Could - and should - urban space be considered cultural heritage? If so, how can we reveal the hidden properties of the spatial system, so to turn it into a cultural landscape? And how could these properties be communicated in order to integrate space as cultural heritage into contemporary and social construction processes? How can cities integrate historic layers (palimpsests) into their urban development? The project aims at critically examining and synthesizing archaeological and urban artefacts, matching them with other memories of human experience in the urban landscape. Our intention is to analyze and interpret the city of Rome following roman aqueducts (from Porta Capena to Parco degli Acquedotti) with its surroundings, hypothetically made up of five distinguishable, interrelated layers: The original landscape: the topography of the ancient city; Classical Rome (a period of ca. twelve centuries); Medieval Rome (ca. ten centuries); the Rome of the Renaissance and Baroque (ca. four centuries); Modern and contemporary Rome (after 1871). These different layers have constantly interacted through the historical development of urbanism, and their existing elements in the urban landscape will be identified, studied and described by students in different ways such as mapping, storytelling collection, archival research.
21010021 |
Tipo di attestato
Attestato di profitto |
Modulo: Heritage - parte I |
Tipo di attestato
Attestato di profitto |
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Ore Aula
Attività formativa
Attività formative a scelta dello studente (art.10, comma 5, lettera a)
Canale Unico
Fruisce da
21010021 Heritage in ARCHITETTURA - PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA LM-4 (docente da definire)
Thinking about heritage is thinking about time, identity, memory and storytelling. Landscape coincides with these values, it can be considered as the connective tissue: a memories repository of the material and immaterial values. In order to develop an experience of contemporary landscape and physical heritage we have to conduct a multidisciplinary analysis, both direct and indirect. Landscape and its history can be investigated through the expressions of tangible and intangible culture, through the study of visible and invisible data. Indirect and regressive analysis (archival studies, topography, geomorphology, historical and modern maps, iconography, etc.) will be integrated with the investigation on field, with the intention to recognize, distinguish, identify, and measure the place. Our intention is to analyze and interpret the ancient via Latina with its surroundings. The Course deals with different scales of landscape, from monument to territory. The analysis will be developed following the route of the ancient street, organized in stages, from the Rome city center (Central Archaeological Area) to the outskirts, until reaching the last remains of Agro Romano. The different layers, which have constantly interacted through the historical development, will be identified, studied and described by students in different ways such as mapping, storytelling collection, archival research etc. Diachronic analysis of the different layers will be essential to identify and distinguish shapes and permanent values compared to the structural changes introduced in the contemporary physical environment From this analysis we will begin the representation and interpretation of the landscape aiming at critically examining and synthesizing archaeological and urban artefacts, matching them with other memories of human experience in the urban landscape.
Date di inizio e termine delle attività didattiche
Dal 01/03/2018 al 30/09/2018 |
Modalità di erogazione
Modalità di frequenza
Metodi di valutazione
Prova orale
Modulo: Heritage - parte II |
Tipo di attestato
Attestato di profitto |
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Ore Aula
Attività formativa
Attività formative a scelta dello studente (art.10, comma 5, lettera a)
Canale Unico
Fruisce da
21010021 Heritage in ARCHITETTURA - PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA LM-4 (docente da definire)
Thinking about heritage is thinking about time, identity, memory and storytelling. Landscape coincides with these values, it can be considered as the connective tissue: a memories repository of the material and immaterial values. In order to develop an experience of contemporary landscape and physical heritage we have to conduct a multidisciplinary analysis, both direct and indirect. Landscape and its history can be investigated through the expressions of tangible and intangible culture, through the study of visible and invisible data. Indirect and regressive analysis (archival studies, topography, geomorphology, historical and modern maps, iconography, etc.) will be integrated with the investigation on field, with the intention to recognize, distinguish, identify, and measure the place. Our intention is to analyze and interpret the ancient via Latina with its surroundings. The Course deals with different scales of landscape, from monument to territory. The analysis will be developed following the route of the ancient street, organized in stages, from the Rome city center (Central Archaeological Area) to the outskirts, until reaching the last remains of Agro Romano. The different layers, which have constantly interacted through the historical development, will be identified, studied and described by students in different ways such as mapping, storytelling collection, archival research etc. Diachronic analysis of the different layers will be essential to identify and distinguish shapes and permanent values compared to the structural changes introduced in the contemporary physical environment From this analysis we will begin the representation and interpretation of the landscape aiming at critically examining and synthesizing archaeological and urban artefacts, matching them with other memories of human experience in the urban landscape.
Date di inizio e termine delle attività didattiche
Dal 01/03/2018 al 30/09/2018 |
Modalità di erogazione
Modalità di frequenza
Metodi di valutazione
Prova orale