Baldassarri Elena
This course intends to offer an analysis of Canadian and American histories and to examine the cultural, political, social, and geographical factors that influenced the development of these North American societies. In addition, relations between the two Countries will be examined, focusing on how diplomatic, cultural, economic, and military interactions with other states shaped Canada’s and US’s political and social development.
Course Goals: As a Specialistic course, it provides a more detailed investigation of the subjects, continuing to build on methodologies, debates, interpretations, interdisciplinary approaches, and historical skills learned in other history courses. Students will further develop their attitude in historical research, analysis, interpretation, and problem solving, working with both primary and secondary sources, and critically evaluating the ideas and arguments of others thinkers in the field. In essays and class discussions, students will demonstrate their ability to communicate their ideas as well as the basic conventions of historical writing, the rules of academic professionalism and the evolving nature of historical knowledge.
Course Structure: Classes will be based upon lectures, assigned readings, and discussion seminars. Although there are a set number of lectures on specific topics, the assignments and seminar discussion sessions allow much scope for students to explore areas of particular interest. There are also a presentation and two written assignments for this course: a book review and a research essay.
Themes: Frontier and wilderness: Border and borders Exceptionalism or “we are uniquely fortunate in many ways” Immigration: Integration and exclusion US,Canada and Europe: Comparisons and Relations North America and its place in the World
(reference books)
All'inizio del corso saranno distribuiti gli elenchi con il testi utili per le lezioni e le discussioni in classe. Alcune delle letture saranno costituite da e-book disponibili elettronicamente nel sistema della Biblioteca Ateneo; altre saranno articoli di riviste disponibili in formato cartaceo presso la Biblioteca o online nelle collezioni elettroniche dell'Università.