Teaching: LIS ‐ Library and Information Science LM14 (AY 2017‐18) Curriculum (draft) Objectives Acquiring adequate theoretical and technical knowledge on commonalities and differences of bibliography and library science, their field of competence and development (the digital one included) in particular concerning: 1) bibliography (reference list) designing and implementation; 2) organization, management, evaluation and promotion of libraries; 3) evolution and usage of technologies for document processing (both for reference and library aims); 4) history of printing and publishing (digital, too). At the end of the course learners will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to referencing; understand the issues of library management, the implications of ICT usage in the two disciplines (Bibliography and Library Science), and in the editorial one, too. Prerequirements Recommended: previous examination of “Bibliografia e Biblioteconomia” (L10) and basic knowledge of: history, computer science (PC, Internet, email), English language. Course Description The course is delivered in three modules: 1) Introduction: overview on information complexity, the “docuverse”, the importance of media and information literacy acquisition and library/librarians’ role in such a process. Furthermore the learner will be introduced to information seeking towards the final work, the variety of dissertations, and the academic writing at post‐graduate master course level. 2) Bibliography: the course: examines the definitions of “bibliography”; illustrates the historical evolution of bibliography and other disciplines of books and documents (history, diplomatic, archival studies); discusses the informational complexity and reflects on digital information and tools to access it (catalogue, opac, discovery tool, database etc.); deapen the metamorphosis of the book (digital books, Google books etc.), text, reading and scientific communication, and the relationship between bibliography and web; includes practical training of bibliographic search, with compilation of reference citations according to different referencing styles ‐ es. APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian ecc. –starting from the “bibliographic chain”. 3) Library Science: definition; field of competence; historical development (history of libraries and books); library types (academic, public etc.); the library as a complex system: organization, planning; management and evaluation; material and digital collections building; organization of physical and virtual spaces, that are functional to resource‐based learning. Teaching Material 1. MAURIZIO VIVARELLI, Le dimensioni della bibliografia: scrivere di libri al tempo della rete, Roma: Carocci, 2013. ISBN 9788843069088. 2. FREDERIC BARBIER, Storia delle biblioteche dall’antichità a oggi, Milano. Editrice Bibliografia, 2016.. 3. CARLO BIANCHINI, I fondamenti della biblioteconomia: attualità del pensiero di S.R. Ranganathan, Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2016. Further teaching materials developed by the teacher will be posted on Edmodo platform. Suggested reading (optional): 1. JOSÉ M. PRELLEZO – JESUS M. GARCIA, Invito alla ricerca. Metodologia e tecniche del lavoro scientifico, Roma: LAS, 2007. Teaching/Learning Methods Mainly face to face lectures, integrated by Edmodo platform where resources and teaching materials, communication etc. will be made available. Seminars, library visits, workshops and training in libraries, documentation centres and archives will form an integral part of the course. Examination “In itinere” assessment: written exercise/essay (to be posted on Edmodo platform) at the end of each of the three modules. Final evaluation: written exercise of reference citation based on the documents at students’ disposal; administration of multiple choice test; a reading form related to the 3rd book. Foreign students Special measures are arranged according to the previous curriculum of the student. Foreign students can be examined in English/French/Spanish/Portuguese languages.
(reference books)
Teaching: LIS ‐ Library and Information Science L14 (AY 2017‐18) Curriculum (draft) Objectives Acquiring adequate theoretical and technical knowledge on commonalities and differences of bibliography and library science, their field of competence and development (the digital one included) in particular concerning: 1) bibliography (reference list) designing and implementation; 2) organization, management, evaluation and promotion of libraries; 3) evolution and usage of technologies for document processing (both for reference and library aims); 4) history of printing and publishing (digital, too). At the end of the course learners will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to referencing; understand the issues of library management, the implications of ICT usage in the two disciplines (Bibliography and Library Science), and in the editorial one, too. Prerequirements Recommended: previous examination of “Bibliografia e Biblioteconomia” (L10) and basic knowledge of: history, computer science (PC, Internet, email), English language. Course Description The course is delivered in three modules: 1) Introduction: overview on information complexity, the “docuverse”, the importance of media and information literacy acquisition and library/librarians’ role in such a process. Furthermore the learner will be introduced to information seeking towards the final work, the variety of dissertations, and the academic writing at post‐graduate master course level. 2) Bibliography: the course: examines the definitions of “bibliography”; illustrates the historical evolution of bibliography and other disciplines of books and documents (history, diplomatic, archival studies); discusses the informational complexity and reflects on digital information and tools to access it (catalogue, opac, discovery tool, database etc.); deapen the metamorphosis of the book (digital books, Google books etc.), text, reading and scientific communication, and the relationship between bibliography and web; includes practical training of bibliographic search, with compilation of reference citations according to different referencing styles ‐ es. APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian ecc. –starting from the “bibliographic chain”. 3) Library Science: definition; field of competence; historical development (history of libraries and books); library types (academic, public etc.); the library as a complex system: organization, planning; management and evaluation; material and digital collections building; organization of physical and virtual spaces, that are functional to resource‐based learning. Teaching Material 1. MAURIZIO VIVARELLI, Le dimensioni della bibliografia: scrivere di libri al tempo della rete, Roma: Carocci, 2013. ISBN 9788843069088. 2. FREDERIC BARBIER, Storia delle biblioteche dall’antichità a oggi, Milano. Editrice Bibliografia, 2016.. 3. CARLO BIANCHINI, I fondamenti della biblioteconomia: attualità del pensiero di S.R. Ranganathan, Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2016. Further teaching materials developed by the teacher will be posted on Edmodo platform. Suggested reading (optional): 1. JOSÉ M. PRELLEZO – JESUS M. GARCIA, Invito alla ricerca. Metodologia e tecniche del lavoro scientifico, Roma: LAS, 2007. Teaching/Learning Methods Mainly face to face lectures, integrated by Edmodo platform where resources and teaching materials, communication etc. will be made available. Seminars, library visits, workshops and training in libraries, documentation centres and archives will form an integral part of the course. Examination “In itinere” assessment: written exercise/essay (to be posted on Edmodo platform) at the end of each of the three modules. Final evaluation: written exercise of reference citation based on the documents at students’ disposal; administration of multiple choice test; a reading form related to the 3rd book. Foreign students Special measures are arranged according to the previous curriculum of the student. Foreign students can be examined in English/French/Spanish/Portuguese languages.