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20710175 Theatrical culture and literary culture in DAMS - Theatre - Music - Dance LM-65 GERACI STEFANO
Learning objectives: This course aims to provide students an introduction with the relationships between text and performance, theater and print, actors and writers.
Programme. In the first part of the course the main historiographical themes will be analyzed through the most significant examples related to the theaters of twentieth centuries. The second part of course focuses mainly on Anton Cechov and Samuel Backett.. In the last part of the course will be practically tested the use of the tools of research in collaboration with the librarians of the Library of the Arts.
(reference books)
TEXT BOOKS: Lectures notes edit by the teacher; (available at the beginning of the course on the site; A. Cechov, Teatro. Il gabbiano-Il giardino dei ciliegi-Zio Vania-Tre sorelle a cura di G. Guerrieri, Mondadori; S. Beckett, Teatro.
Text books for the non-attending students : Lecture notes edited by the teacher:, P. Szondi, Teoria del dramma moderno,Torino, Einaudi,1962 e succ.ed.;. P. Szondi,Teoria del dramma moderno,Torino, Einaudi,1962 e succ.ed,. A. Cechov, Teatro. Il gabbiano-Il giardino dei ciliegi-Zio Vania-Tre sorelle a cura di G. Guerrieri, Mondadori; S. Beckett, Teatro, Einaudi; e uno a scelta dei seguenti volumi: Stanislavskij, Le mie regie. Tre sorelle, Il giardino dei ciliegi, Ubulibri; Le ceneri della commedia. Il teatro di Samuel Beckett, a cura di S. Colomba, Bulzoni