The course is composed of two parts: in the first, we will discuss the contemporary debates on neuroethics and neurolaw ; in the second, we will consider the ways in which some of the most relevant ethical and scientic problems are communicated by using films.
(reference books)
TEXTS FOR THE STUDENTS WHO ATTEND THE COURSE, WRITE THE TWO MOVIE REVIEWS, AND PASS THE TEST AT THE END OF THE COURSE (During the course, the instructor will say which parts of the following texts won't be part of the program for this group of the students): 1. De Caro, Lavazza, Sartori, Quando siamo responsabili? Codice 2. Lavazza e Sammicheli, Il delitto del cervello, Codice 3. Viola, Neuroscienze e diritto naturale, http://www1.unipa.it/viola/Neuroscienze_e_diritto_naturale.pdf 4. Massarenti, Stramaledettamente logico, Mondadori
TEXTS FOR ALL OTHER STUDENTS (to be studied entirely): 1. De Caro, Lavazza, Sartori, Quando siamo responsabili? Codice 2. Lavazza e Sammicheli, Il diritto del cervello, Codice 3. Viola, Neuroscienze e diritto naturale, http://www1.unipa.it/viola/Neuroscienze_e_diritto_naturale.pdf 4. Massarenti, Stramaledettamente logico, Mondadori 5. Roskies, Neuroethics, https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/neuroethics/