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22910086 Metodi e tecniche della scrittura in educazione in Educational science L-19 POCE ANTONELLA, AGRUSTI FRANCESCO
General objective of the course will be that of endowing students with those tools necessary to project and write teaching and learning materials in different disciplinary and educational settings, being them formal and informal. Students will be asked to reflect on the lexicon and syntactical structures to be used for an effective teaching, according to the addressees’ profile, with specific reference both to teaching and learning and cultural and scientific communication in school and museum context. Students are asked as well to reflect on the level of difficulty of the texts proposed in order to transfer contents, on the choice of the kind of language used and to be used, and on the ways of representation of a certain content. They will have, then, to work on the analysis of the writing techniques related to the disciplinary fields identified, in projecting and defining a methodology of work and in the draft of texts for teaching and learning, solving educational problems submitted to their attention. Meta-objectives will be the possibility to increase both literacy abilities, often lacking as regards grammar and syntaxes and writing argumentation skills, critical thinking skills and creativity. To this aim the course is articulated in a main module and a creative writing lab where main tools for analysis and production of fiction texts (stories, novels and scripts) and non-fiction texts (press articles and short essays) will be explained.
(reference books)
Descartes, Discourse sur la Méthode (available on the platform) POCE A., Verba sequentur. Thinking and Writing. Franco Angeli: Milano, 2017. Further references: Garavelli B.M., Prontuario di punteggiatura, Laterza: Bari, 2003, ISBN 978-88-420-7027-6 Serianni L., Leggere, scrivere, argomentare, Laterza, Bari, 2013, ISBN 978-88-581-0663-1 Serianni L., L’ora di italiano. Scuola e materie umanistiche. Laterza, Bari, ISBN 978-88-420-5994-3 Santambrogio M., Manuale di scrittura non creativa, Laterza, Bari, 2006 ISBN 978-88-420-8640-6