The course of Aesthetics in telematic mode is divided into two parts. In the first part we will try to activate a direct analysis of some works of art especially relevanti for the history of Western art. In particular, some characteristic features of Greek Templar architecture will be compared with architectural and pictorial works of the Italian Renaissance. The analysis of the works will be conducted in order to highlight in which sense the precious heritage, on the one hand, of the ancient classical world and, on the other hand, of the experimental legacy produced between the fifteenth and the sixteenth century can still be a source of essential values which can still be transmitted in the context of educational activities. In the second part we will try to highlight some fundamental themes of contemporary aesthetics, examining the texts of two great philosophers, namely Heidegger and Deleuze, whose reflection on the work of art, through the twentieth century, is essential for understanding many current artistic phenomena .
(reference books)
1) M. Heidegger, L'origine dell'opera d'arte, in M. Heidegger, Sentieri interrotti, pp. 3-69, tr. it. di P. Chiodi, ed. La nuova Italia, Firenze 1968, qualunque ristampa ma non altre traduzioni! 2) G. Deleuze, La piega. Leibniz e il Barocco, tr. id. di D. Tarizzo, Einaudi, Torino 2004.
3) G. Scotto, Estetica antica e del Rinascimento. Differenze essenziali alla luce di alcune opere d'arte, Authorpublishing, Roma 2017 (il testo sarà messo a disposizione degli studenti in formato digitale all'apertura del Forum didattico).