TITLE: Europe / Russia. The art of dance between old and new choreography (L-ART / 05) credits 6 - teacher: Concetta Lo Iacono
Russian Empire and its artistic and cultural history in comparison with Germany, France, Italy, Sweden and the Baltic States.
The evolution of the European dance theater. Dancers and choreographers from Italy and France to Russia (J. Perrot, M. Petipa, V. Zucchi, E. Cecchetti, etc.)
About theatrical genres at the imperial court, in comparison with the European dance theater: a) "Bella Figura", the classical ideal in European dance theater from the 19th to the 21st century ; b) the image of the dancer in Europe and Russia between 19th and 20th centuries; reconstructions of Petipa's ballets and the new versions ( Mats Ek and M. Bourne); c) the European dance theatre and the acting dancer in Pina Bausch works.
(reference books)
1. Concetta Lo Iacono, Il danzatore attore, Dino Audino editore, Roma 2007 2. Concetta Lo Iacono, Il volo di Tersicore. Una storia per immagini del balletto russo (1636 - 2009), Massimiliano Piretti Editore, Bologna (forthcoming). Dall’Introduzione sino al 1917
For non attending students: all texts and videos in bibliography and 1 extra book chosen from the list below:
1. Eugenia Casini Ropa, La danza e l'agit-prop. I teatri-non-teatrali nella cultura tedesca del primo Novecento, CUE Press, Bologna 2015 (epub or pdf) 2. Alessandro Pontremoli , La danza: storia, teoria, estetica nel Novecento 2 ed., Laterza, Roma- Bari 2005 3. Vaslav Nizinskij, Diari, Adelphi, Milano 2006 4. Giulia Taddeo, Un serio spettacolo non serio. Danze e stampa nell’Italia fascista, Mimesis/Filosofie del Teatro, Milano-Udine 2017
1. Bella figura di Jiri Kylian, 2. Coppelia, chor. Arthur Saint-Léon, int. Natalia Osipova (or Maguy Marin) 3. Sleeping Beauty, chor. Mats Ek (or Marius Petipa) 4. Le Sacre du Printemps, chor. Vaslav Nijinsky (or Pina Bausch) 5. Orpheus und Eurydike or Ahnen ahnen: fragments de repetition (chor. Pina Bausch)