Juridical Section Italian Decree 81/08 and BS Ohsas 18001: Occupational health and safety management system: Comparison between Italian Law and International Standards. The continual improvement and the Deming circle according with the PDCA approach (Plan Do Check Act). Compliance with standards and legal obligations: general features and aspects. The main phases of risk management process: hazard identification, risk assessment and controls. Correspondence between OHSAS 18001 and other related International standards (ISO 14001 and ISO 9001)
Technical Section Safety and building worksites organization (including Law obligations); safety and health risks at building worksites ( (occupational diseases, excavations, demolitions, underground and tunnel works, noise, vibrations, environmental remediation, asbestos, manual handling of loads (MMdC), fire, etc.) Prevention and protection measures, organizational procedures, risk prevention techniques during assembly, dismantling and installation of structures, means and construction elements; falling from above risk, case studies. Evaluation of noise and vibration risk: exercises and applications; asbestos (MCA) risk, safe cleaning / demolition / treatment of MCA. Scaffolding and temporary works, safe construction and management techniques. Study cases.
Organization Section The PSC - security and coordination plan (contents, criteria and methods, examples and project); the POS Operative security plan; communication and cooperation techniques; the “Fascicolo tecnico” (Operational Safety Plan and Workbook); processing methods of the Pi.M.U.S. (Assembly Plan, Use, Disassembly of Scaffolding); methodological criteria for processing and management of documentation; estimate of the costs of safety on site.
PSC examples, area risk analysis, analysis and assessment of interference, the importance of planning and organization; tutorials and applications. Examples of Safety Subsidiary Plans (PSS); examples and case studies, practical applications based on drafting of specific PSCs; judgments and sanctions concerning shipyard safety; role simulations (Coordinator).
(reference books)
Handouts and teaching materials distribuitred by teacher on line