the formative objectives of the french course will be adapted in flexible way to the previous student’s knowledge of this foreign language. the students that already have good linguistic bases will be stimulated to improve their french level through the study and the elaboration of complex texts. the students that have poor initial knowledge of french language must have acquired, at the end of the course, a good pronunciation of french and the basic knowledge of grammar, lexicon and syntax; they must, through these competencies, be able to understand and use some texts about topics of education studies, european citizenship, interculturality and francophony.
22901904 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
The formative objectives of the French course is to improve students’ French level through the study and the elaboration of complex texts, especially about educational topics. The students must have acquired, at the end of the course, a good pronunciation of French and the basic knowledge of grammar, lexicon and syntax; they must, through these competencies, be able to understand and use some texts about topics of education studies, written and oral.
22901904-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Review of french grammatical contents and acquisition of an intermediate level of French linguistic knowledges in understanding, speaking, listening, reading, writing (level b1 of the common european framework of reference for languages (cefr). (cfr. Http:// The lessons will be almost entirely in french language. An elementary knowledge of french (a2 of common european framework of reference for languages (cefr). (cfr. Http:// is required before attending the lessons. The students are invited to value the level of their french language knowledge using entrance test or periodic language tests of cla – centro linguistico di ateneo if possible in the first semester, before the beginning of the lessons, in the second semester- in the cla they will can attend some basic french lessons, until a2 or b1 level. (cfr. Contents Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince, CIDEB editore, Tipologia Letture Graduate, Serie Lire et s’entraîner Nicolas Gerrier, A. Ferré, Points de vue, CIDEB editore Learning activities about these educational topics in French. Review of french grammatical contents and acquisition of an intermediate level of French linguistic knowledges in understanding, speaking, listening, reading, writing (level b1 of the common european framework of reference for languages (cefr). (cfr. Http://
(reference books)
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince, CIDEB editore, Tipologia Letture Graduate, Serie Lire et s’entraîner Nicolas Gerrier, A. Ferré, Points de vue, CIDEB editore, Serie Civilisation.
For the study and the practise of the grammar: any high school handbook can be used to revise the grammar topics. The websites indicated below can be use for the exercises. You can use the following websites in order to check and improve your knowledge of the French language: Français facile [] (exercises, explanations, etc.); Le Point du FLE [] (exercises, explanations, songs, audio files, vidéos, etc.; Lexilogos [] (French-Italian and Italian- French Dictionaries; etc.); Le conjugueur [] (for resolving all problems of French Verbs Conjugation) Littérature audio [] (for listening online a lot of French texts and novels; for training oral understanding and pronunciation in French). Exercises, trainings and communication on Departmental digital platform
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam
22901904-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The lessons will be almost entirely in french language. An elementary knowledge of french (a2 of common european framework of reference for languages (cefr). (cfr. Http:// is required before attending the lessons. The students are invited to value the level of their french language knowledge using entrance test or periodic language tests of cla – centro linguistico di ateneo if possible in the first semester, before the beginning of the lessons, in the second semester- in the cla they will can attend some basic french lessons, until a2 or b1 level. (cfr.
(reference books)
Contents Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince, CIDEB editore, Tipologia Letture Graduate, Serie Lire et s’entraîner Nicolas Gerrier, A. Ferré, Points de vue, CIDEB editore Learning activities about these educational topics in French. Review of french grammatical contents and acquisition of an intermediate level of French linguistic knowledges in understanding, speaking, listening, reading, writing (level b1 of the common european framework of reference for languages (cefr). (cfr. Http://
Français facile [] (esercizi, spiegazioni, ecc.); Le Point du FLE [] (esercizi, spiegazioni, canzoni, file audio, video, ecc. ; Lexilogos [] (Dizionari Francese -Italiano); Le conjugueur [] (per risolvere ogni problema di coniugazione dei verbi in francese) Littérature audio [] (per ascoltare la lettura di racconti e romanzi in lingua francese; per allenare la comprensione orale e la pronuncia del francese] Esercitazioni, materiali didattici e comunicazioni con gli altri studenti sulla piattaforma digitale di Dipartimento
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam