Cognitive science is the study of cognition as information processing by complex organisms or artificial systems. Cognitive science is not a discipline, but rather a “doctrine” that has oriented and is orienting inquiries in a number of disciplines — some descriptive and empirical (e.g., cognitive psychology, linguistics and, more recently, neuroscience), some speculative and foundational (e.g., philosophy), and some both speculative and applied (e.g., AI). This course will provide an introduction to cognitive science by exploring some foundational concepts and claims (such as the computational theory of mind, functionalism, the idea of folk psychology, and accounts of the nature of mental representation), as well as topics of contemporary research in cognitive science.
(reference books)
Per i frequentanti: materiali forniti durante il corso.
Per i non frequentanti, *uno* fra questi due testi: - Massimo Marraffa e Alfredo Paternoster (a cura di) - Scienze cognitive. Un’introduzione filosofica. Roma: Carocci (2011). - Massimo Marraffa e Alfredo Paternoster - Persone, menti, cervelli. Storia, metodi e modelli delle scienze della mente. Milano: Mondadori Education (2012).