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22902342 HISTORY OF WOMEN in Socio-Educational Services Manager LM-50 N0 AZARA LILIOSA
The course aims at revisiting the history of women’s condition in the XX century. In particular, it will be highlighted as two events which deeply marked the XIX century opening with a revolution and closing with a war, both involving women, but giving men the chance to play between inclusion/participation and exclusion/repulsion of women from questions concerning the State and the Nation. The XX century sanctions an ineludible process towards women’s emancipation. The western women have access to modernity. In particular, the issues the course aims to deal with are the following: the Great War and the question whether or not it has been the era of women or the triumph of the gender difference; the Twenties and the modern woman in the United States; women under totalitarian regimes; women in the political sphere; feminism in the Sixties/Seventies; procreation and bioethics
(reference books)
G. Duby, M. Perrot, Storia delle donne. Il Novecento, Laterza, Roma-Bari L. Azara, L’uso “politico” del corpo femminile. La Legge Merlin tra nostalgia, moralismo ed emancipazione, Carocci, Roma 2017