The Balkans and the progressive fall of the Ottoman Empire, the birth of nationalist movements and the Nation building process. The new Balkan States and the State building process from independence to World War I. The Great War at East: a different war front? The after-war in the Balkans: the winners and the losers: the birth of Yugoslavia, Albania, Great Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. A new protagonist? The peasant movement in the Balkans: The Bulgarian case. The new economic and social challenges, the Great Powers and the overcast of the Nazis. World War II. The communist-soviet rule on South-est Europe: a new way to civilization? The problems and the fall of the communist regimes. The difficulties to the transition to democracy and the capitalist market.
(reference books)
1) Alberto Basciani, L'illusione della modernità. Il Sud-est dell'Europa tra le due guerre mondiali, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2016 2) R. Petri (a cura di), Balcani, Europa. Violenza, Politica, Memoria, Torino, Giappiachelli, 2017 3) Andrew B. Wachtel, Storia dei Balcani, Lecce, Salento Books, 2016. Non-attending students will need to add the following two books: 1) Ben Fowekes, L'Europa orientale dal 1945 al 1970, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004 2) Bulent Gokay, L'Europa orientale dal 1970 a oggi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005 or Richard J. Crampton, Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century and After, London - New York, Routledge.