The course, which is part of the debate on the anthropology of globalization, proposes, in its first part, the study of new political dimensions related to local cultural diversity and/or specificity. Subsequently, the critical elements for analysing, through the anthropological toolkit, the globalist tensions of the rhetoric of human rights and of new "mobile sovereignties", such as, for example, the actions and of "humanitarian government", will be provided. This will also be possible thanks to the illustration of specific ethnographic cases with reference to the body and its policies.
(reference books)
See also https://scienzepolitiche.uniroma3.it/mfusaschi/antropologia-politica-programma-2017218-lm/: 1. D. Fassin, 2010, Introduction: Le gouvernement humanitaire, in D. Fassin, La raison humanitaire, une histoire morale du temps présent, Hautes Etudes/ Seuil Gallimard, pp. 7-30 (questa introduzione è possibile leggerla anche in lingua inglese Introduction, The humanitarian gouvernement, in D. Fassin, Humanitarian Reason. A Moral History of the Present, Univ. of California Press. esiste in versione e-book). 2. M. Fusaschi, 2011 Quando il corpo è delle Altre. Retoriche della pietà e umanitarismo-spettacolo, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino . 3. B. Shell-Duncan, “From Health to Human Rights: Female Genital Cutting and the Politics of Intervention“, American Anthropologist, Vol. 110, No. 2 (Jun., 2008), pp. 225-236. 4.M. Fusaschi, 2014, Modifications génitales féminines en Europe: raison humanitaire et universalismes, ethnocentrinques Synergies Italie, n. 10, 2014, pp 97-114. 5. S. Jonhsdotter, 2017,Factors associated with the support of pricking (female genital cutting type IV) among Somali immigrants – a cross-sectional study in Sweden, inWahlberg et al. Reproductive Health (2017) 14:92 . 6. M.Fusaschi, 2015, Humanitarian Bodies. Gender and Genitals Modifications in Italian immigration policy, in Cahiers d’études Africaines, LV (1), 217, 2015, pp. 11-28. 7. S. Johnsdotter, R.M. 2 Mestre i Mestre ‘Female genital mutilation’ in Europe: Public discourse versus empirical evidence International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice xxx (2017) 8. . L. Abu-Lughod, 2008, Le donne musulmane hanno veramente bisogno di essere salvate? Riflessioni antropologiche sul relativismo culturale e i suoi altri, in ACHAB – Rivista di Antropologia, Numero XIII 9. M. Fusaschi, 2016, Diritti umani delle donne come economie morali. Elementi di antropologia critica, in Anna Simone e Federico Zappino, Fare Giustizia. Neoliberismo, diseguaglianze sociali e desiderio di “buona vita”, Mimesis, Milano.