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20706067 STORIA DEL RISORGIMENTO in History and Societies LM-84 LUPI MARIA
The 1848-1849 Revolutions: sources and interpretations of a fundamental moment of Italian Risorgimento
Inside a general sight of the Risorgimento’s events and debates, the course will examine the important rule of revolutions 1848-1849 for the diffusion of ideals of democracy, independence and liberty and for the subsequent results of Risorgimento’s proceedings. It will confront the principal historiographical debates about these arguments and the sources’ reading and analysis, in order to introduce the students to the literature and documents’ critical approach.
(reference books)
Texts - MARIO BELARDINELLI, Il Risorgimento e la realizzazione della comunità nazionale, Roma, edizioni Studium, 2011. - ROGER PRICE, Le rivoluzioni del 1848, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004. The students that frequent the lessons will have other information during the course.