Starting from the formation of the new Italian State and arriving to the second half of the twentieth century, the course will follow the development of Italian literary history, with regard to both poetry and novel.Each of the considered authors will be studied in his hitorical and geographical context and some samples of his main works will be read and critically analysed during the lessons. Part of the course will be dedicated to the analysis of poetical works, especially by Carducci, D'annunzio and Pascoli.
(reference books)
Bibliography: For the study of Italian literature from 1861 to the Seventies of the Nineteenth century student can use an handbook of Italian Literature (for example Giulio Ferroni, Storia della letteratura Italiana, Dall’Ottocento al Novecento e Il Novecento e il nuovo millennio, Mondadori Università). As the novel is concerned, beside the general cultural and literary movements the students are required to have a deep knowledge of the following authors Carducci, Nievo, Verga, Capuana, De Roberto, Fogazzaro, Deledda, Serao, D’Annunzio, Pirandello, Tozzi, Svevo, Palazzeschi, Gadda, Moravia, Flaiano, Pavese, Vittorini, Fenoglio, Calvino, Pratolini, Tomasi di Lampedusa, Bassani, Cassola, Pasolini, Sciascia, Primo Levi, Elsa Morante, Anna Maria Ortese. A good knowledge of the Twentieth century novel is required, with special regard of the following authors: Pascoli, D’Annunzio, Gozzano, Marinetti, Palazzeschi, Campana, Saba, Ungaretti, Montale, Quasimodo, Luzi, Caproni, Penna, Bertolucci, Sereni, Pavese, Pasolini, Rosselli.
Critical Bibliography: Exams texts: -E. Giammattei, Introduzione in G. Carducci, Opere, tomo II (Ricciardi): la versione pdf dell’introduzione si può leggere sul sito www.treccani.it. -S. Costa, D’Annunzio (Salerno, 2012): capitoli I, III, IV, VIII. -M. Pazzaglia, Pascoli, (Salerno, 2002): capitoli I, V, VII, VIII. -M. Venturini, L’unità discontinua. Poesia e identità nazionale nel Novecento (Morlacchi, 2016): Parte I Recommended texts (for eventual more detailed study): F. Benozzo, Carducci (Salerno, 2015); G. Leonelli, Itinerari del fanciullino: studi pascoliani (Clueb, 1989), A. Andreoli, Introduzione in G. D’Annunzio, Versi d’amore e gloria.
Further indication on bibliography will be offerede during the lessons.
Students attending the classes are require to add the full reading and analysis of the poetry works of one of the following authors:
-G. Carducci, G. Pascoli e G. D’Annunzio.
Students who do not attend the classes are required to add to the exams texts above indicated the full reading of two poetry collections and two prose work of the mentioned authors; Erasmus students will add only the full reading of one poetic collection and one novel by one of the above listed authors. Student who do not attend lessons are invited to contact the teacher for the exam program.