Title of the course: Elements of historical geography of the ancient world
Description of the course The course aims to a general knowledge of physical, anthropic and cultural geography of ancient Grrece and of the regions politically and culturally linked to it. In addition to this, a single region will be studied in depth. Moreover, the course aims to an outline of the develpment of the geografical knowledge in antiquity (forms of representing the geographical space, starting from the primary perception of the space and from the geometric representation of the ecumene and arriving to abstract carthographic representations; relationship bewtween such attempts of mapmaking and politica history, ethonography...). Thirdly, the literary and paraliterary production related to geography will be taken into examniation (circumnavigations, periegesis, geographic excursus in historiography works, geometry, gromatics works).
(reference books)
Bibliography: – S. Bianchetti, Geografia storica del mondo antico, Bologna, Ed. Monduzzi, 2008. – D. Giorgetti, Il Sole a destra. Scienza e tecnica nella geografia storica del mondo antico, Sarzana, Ed. Agorà, 2004. – M. H. Hansen, T. H. Nielsen (eds.), An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis. An Investigation Conducted by The Copenhagen Polis Centre for the Danish National Research Foundation, Oxford 2004. – S. Magnani, Geografia storica del mondo antico, Bologna, Ed. Il Mulino, 2003. – E. Greco (a cura di), La città greca antica. Istituzioni, società e forme urbane, Roma, Ed. Donzelli, 1999. – F. Prontera (a cura di), Geografia storica della Grecia antica, Roma-Bari, Ed. Laterza, 1991. – P. Janni, La mappa e il periplo. Cartografia antica e spazio odologico, Roma, Ed. “L’Erma” di Bretschneider, 1984.