Title of the course: An introduction to Greek Epigraphy
Description of the course: The course includes. (a) a general introduction to the field of study (origin and develpment of the alphabetic writing in Greece, features of the local alphabeths, typology of the inscriptions and of their supports, bibliography, informatic tools); (b) practicla exercises meant to acquire the main techniques and conventions for recording and editing epigraphical texts; (c) readind and historical and critical analysis of different kinds of epigraphic texts.
Possible propedeutisc: The course is address to students of classical antiquities: the exam implies a good knowledge of the Greek history and of the Greek language.
(reference books)
Bibliography: A) M. Guarducci, L'Epigrafia greca dalle origini al tardo impero, Roma, Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 1987 (e successive ristampe). B) M. Guarducci, Epigrafia greca, I, Roma 20052, pp. 391-487. C) Further material provided during the course.