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20710156 Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte Greca in Archaeology and Art History L-1 LATINI ALEXIA
The aim of course is to deepen student's knowledge on fundamental issues and problems from the diverse perspectives of the Greek mainland and colonies in the period between between the Battle of Chaeronea and the last Hellenistic kingdom to fall to Rome. This course will be divided into lectures and visits to museums and archaeological sites.
(reference books)
E. Lippolis, G. Rocco, Archeologia Greca, Milano 2011, parte terza, pp. 343-426. L. Burn, Hellenistic art from Alexander the Great to Augustus, London, The British Museum Press, 2004 A. Celani, Scultura dell’ ellenismo: problemi di metodo, in ASAtene, 83,1, 2005 (2006), pp. 299-338. E. Lippolis, L’architettura di III secolo a.C. tra Oriente e Occidente, problemi e nuove analisi, in corso di stampa (disponibile on-line). Additional material, provided during the course, will be available at the students Students not attending should contact the lecturer during the consultation times or by e-mail.