Title of the course: Elements of history of tradition and critics of the text
Description of the course: The course aims to provide students with the bases of the philological study of Greek and Latin texts and is meant to acquire the basic knowledge of the history of the tradition and of the critics of texts. The program involves the practice of composition, publication and divulgation of the ancient book and the ekdotic methos applied to the edition of the classics. The acquired abilities concerned with the manuscript tradition, the constitutio textus and the critical apparatus will be measured on the reding of Greek and Latin authors in critical edition. The knowledge of the Latin and Greek languages is necessary.
(reference books)
- Tiziano Dorandi, Nell’officina dei classici: Come lavoravano gli autori antichi, Roma, Carocci editore, 2007 e successive ristampe (edizione 2016 nella collana Aula Magna, 4; ISBN 9788843083121); - Paul Maas, La critica del testo, Traduzione a cura di Giorgio Ziffer, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e letteratura, 2017 (collana Opere Varie, ISBN 9788893590495); - P. Ovidi Nasonis Amores, Medicamina faciei femineae, Ars amatoria, Remedia amoris, iteratis curis edidit E. J. Kenney, Oxonii, e Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1994 e successive ristampe; - fotocopie fornite dal docente.