Course title: Manzoni, drama and dramaturgical theory
The course will take into consideration Manzoni's two tragedies, The "Conte di Carmagnola" and the "Adelchi". In addition to the the analysis of the two texts, part of the lesson will be use in exposing and discussing Manzoni's dramaturgical theory, with special reguard to his Letter to Monsieur Chauvet. The preliminary general knowledge of Romanticism in the early Nineteenth century is required as an essential premise to the study.
(reference books)
Bibliography: The students will be provided with the necessary bibliography during the course, in particular with the photocopy of the full French text (with side translation) of the Letter to Monsieur Chauvet. Cfr. A. Manzoni, Lettre a M. Chauvet, a cura di Umberto Colombo, Brunello, Ed. Otto/Novecento, 1981.