Title of the course: The structures of the contemporary Italian language and the influence of English
Description of the course: the course aims to analyse the main structure of contemporary Italian and to offer a framework of Italian phonology, morphology, syntax and lexicon, with special attention to the innovative phaenomena and the linguistic changes in progress. the course will also propose a detailed study of the main notions of textual linguistics. The acquired abilities will be applied directly to the analysis of written and spoken tesxts (belonging to different typologies), consideredn in their morphological, lexical, sintactical and textual aspects.
(reference books)
- Giovanardi, Claudio / De Roberto, Elisa (2018), L’italiano. Strutture, comunicazione, testi, Milano, Bruno Mondadori / Pearson.
- Issues and journalistic and literary reviews provided during the course - E. De Roberto, Descrivere un libro in 25 parole: aspetti delle recensioni brevi, in Testi brevi. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Università “Roma Tre”, 8-10 giugno 2006), a cura di M. Dardano - G.Frenguelli - E. De Roberto, Roma, Aracne, 2009, pp. 401-419 - E. De Roberto, La quarta di copertina: tra letteratura, mediazione editoriale e marketing, in Testi brevi. Teoria e pratica della testualità nell’era multimediale, a cura di Gudrun Held - Sabine Schwarze, Berna, Peter Lang, 2011, pp. 229-246.