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20702418 HISTORY OF RELIGIONS in History, Geography, and International Cooperation L-42 N0 GIORDA MARIA CHIARA
In our society religion and religious issues have an important space, which can be recognized in different forms of belief. This class offers an introduction to the principle themes and theories which emerge in the history of the studies about religion/religions. We will try to tackle the difficult question "What is religion?". In particular, we will discuss different theories about religion, its essence, its function in the society, up to the last approaches which underline the imbrication of religion with cultures.
(reference books)
Students attending the class: 1. Notes and reading commented during the class 2. 5 chapters from: G. Filoramo, Manuale di storia delle religioni, Laterza, Roma Bari, 2005
3. One among: S. Eisenstadt, Civiltà ebraica, Donzelli, Roma, 1993 G. Flood, L'induismo, Einaudi, Torino, 2006 P. Jenkins, I nuovi volti del cristianesimo, Milano 2008 M. Ruthven, Islam, Einaudi, Torino, 2007 + K. Mezran, A. G. Vincenzo, L’altro islam, Rubbettino 2011. P. Boyer, E l’uomo creò gli dei. Come spiegare la religione, Odoya 2010.
Not attending students must change points 1 and 2 with the whole: G. Filoramo, Manuale di storia delle religioni, Laterza, Roma Bari, 2005.