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21002040 Design and Architectural Restoration in Master of Science - Architecture LM-4 CANALE I PORRETTA PAOLA
The course proposes the study of archaeological restoration culture, particularly focused on Rome (Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, Imperial Fora). The lectures are dedicated to the history of change and re-use that have led to the loss of the original architectural identity until its intentional “re-creation” after the second half of the eighteenth century. This new tradition and its different manifestations during the last two centuries will be analyzed: excavations, restorations, reconstructions, anastylosis and programs of enhancement. Group exercises, papers (critical analysis of architectonic projects on cultural heritage) and lectures with the course of " Design and Architectural Restoration B" are planned.
(reference books)
- A. Ricci, Attorno alla nuda pietra. Archeologia e città tra identità e progetto, Roma 2006. - E. Pallottino (a cura di), Architetti e archeologi costruttori d’identità, in Ricerche di Storia dell’arte, 95, 2008, pp. 30-43. - D. Manacorda, R. Santangeli Valenzani, L. Franciosini, E. Pallottino, S. Picciola, A. Carlini, P. Porretta (a cura di),, dialoghi di archeologia e architettura, seminari 2005|2006, Roma 2009. - E. Pallottino (a cura di), Roma, Torre dei Conti. Ricerca, formazione, progetto, in Ricerche di Storia dell'arte, n. 108, 2012.
(specific books will be indicated during the course)