Truth and Oath in Politics.
The course aims to investigate the theme of the "truth" in politics and that of the "oat" (whic, according to Hobbes, forms the basis of social contract), dealing with some of the major philosophers - from Kant to Hobbes, from Nietzsche to Arendt - which established a link between the capacity of "telling the truth" against power and the political anthropology. The purpose of the course is also to deal with highly topical issues, taking account of the current climate crossed by "post-truth" debate.
(reference books)
I. Kant-B. Constant, E' lecito mentire?. T. Hobbes, Leviathan, selected passages (any edition). F. Nietzsche, On Truth and Lies in a nonmoral sense. A. Koyré, Réflexions sur le mensonge. H. Arendt, Truth and Politics.
One book from the list below:
J. Derrida, Histoire du mensonge. J. Derrida, Le parjure, peut-être. H. Weinrich, Linguistik der Lüge. G. Agamben, The Sacrament of Language. An Archeology of the Oath. P. Prodi, Il sacramento del potere. Ch. Salmon, Storytelling.