In general, the course will focus on the history and philosophy of space and time, giving particular emphasis to the relationship between physical and experiential time. Within this relationship, the nature of the present moment is particularly important: while physics can safely ignore such a moment, in our experience it separates an immutable past from a future that is not conceived deterministically or fatalistically, but is rather regarded as open to our free decisions. We will read excerpts of classics authors in the history of philosophy that have dealt in particular with these questions.
(reference books)
11. Paolo Taroni, Filosofie del tempo. Il concetto di tempo nella storia del pensiero occidentale, Mimesis, 2012 2. J. Weatherall. La fisica del nulla. La strana storia dello spazio vuoto, Bollati Boringhieri, 2017 3. Robert DiSalle, Capire lo spazio-tempo. Bollati Boringhieri (some chapters), transl from Understanding Spacetime, CUP, Cambridge, 2008 4. Huggett N. Space and Time from Zeno to Einstein, MIT Press, 1999, Spazio e Tempo da Zenone ad Einstein (some chapter also available in italian) 5. Dainton, B. (2010) Time and Space (second enlarged edition), McGill-Queen's University Press (some chapters) in alternativa Brian Greene, La Trama del cosmo, Einaudi, capitoli da stabilirsi