Learning Outcomes
Within the framework of the Dublin Descriptors (http://www.quadrodeititoli.it/descrittori.aspx?descr=172&IDL=2), the Course has the following objectives:
Knowledge The Marketing Course aims at transferring the knowledge of the fundamental elements of Marketing, within the frame of its historical evolution and systematization. The Course will also take in due consideration the most recent developments of Marketing related to the impact of the Information Technology and of the globalization processes. It therefore aims at:
-Understanding of the marketing approach, the marketing management process and their relations with the value concept -Understanding of the key factors in strategy design and implementation, and of relationships between strategies and marketing planning -Knowledge about the main marketing tools and their interrelations -Deeper knowledge about communication tools and processes, with particular reference to the relations between marketing communication and other forms of communication, and to the role of IT in designing strategic, management, production and communication processes developed by organizations.
-Ability to correlate among them and with other disciplinary approaches the marketing, strategy and communication knowledge acquired during the Course
-Strengthening of linguistic competence (general and sectoral) both in Italian and English (further acquisition and pertinent use of technical terminology, improvement in oral and written communication)
-Ability to draw and develop the essential aspects of marketing and communication plans, with particular reference to the role of IT
Soft skills
-Capacity to build a learning community and take one’s own responsibilities within the framework of a set of shared rules -Active listening -Sharing and discussion of opinions -Critical and original approach to problem setting and solving -Learning from the experience of other people -Information organisation and management -Clarity in oral and written communication
20704032 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
-The marketing approach and the concept of value -Consumer, Purchasing behavior of the consumer and of the organizations -Market segmentation -Marketing research -Strategic planning and marketing planning -Marketing decisions about product -Marketing decisions about service and the integration product-services -Marketing decisions about price -Marketing decisions about product placement and selling networks management -Brand management as a key factor of value creation -The management of marketing communication and the integrated corporate communication -Information Technology and the marketing process -The selling process and its various forms -Marketing planning -History and recent developments of marketing.
(reference books)
-J.P. Peter - J.H.Donnelly - C.A. Pratesi, Marketing, McGraw-Hill 2013, VI ed. -Dispense didattiche predisposte dalla docente (per frequentanti e non frequentanti) rispettivamente per gli studenti di Scienze della Comunicazione, Ingegneria (Gestionale e Informatica), Lingue e culture straniere -Materiali illustrati in aula (per i soli frequentanti), che verranno distribuiti a fine corso via mail -Sono previste una visita a un'azienda operante nel settore della distribuzione, e due testimonianze commentate in aula di Responsabili Marketing/Comunicazione di un’impresa nazionale ed una internazionale.
Avvertenza - Gli studenti non frequentanti debbono contattare la docente all'indirizzo mail sabina.addamiano@gmail.com, al fine di rendere nota la loro condizione e valutare l'opportunità di concordare un programma specifico.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 26/02/2018 to 18/05/2018 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam