PROGRAM The course introduces the most relevant theories of empirical research, with a specific focus on the methods and techniques of empirical research. Aim of the course is to shed light on the complex theoretical and empirical trajectories of empirical research in communication and on the ethical tensions that arise when doing research. The lessons will illustrate examples of research conducted in different fields to describe the possible research strategies and include practices to clarify the use of each technique.
(reference books)
TESTI D'ESAME 1) Gobo G. (2001), Descrivere il mondo. Teoria e pratica del metodo etnografico in sociologia, Carocci, Roma; 2) Griswold W. (2009), Un framework metodologico per lo studio della cultura, in Santoro e Sassatelli (a cura di), Studiare la cultura. Nuove prospettive sociologiche, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 253-285 (capitolo 9, messo a disposizione degli studenti).