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The course aims to highlight the convergence, or even the substantial identity, between the two famous Aristotelian definitions of Homo sapiens: "animal that has language" and "political animal". By studying the texts of some important linguists and philosophers of language (E. Benveniste, JL Austin), as well as the major work of Hannah Arendt, Vita Activa, we would like to clarify the reasons why verbal language should be considered the biological organ of public practice.
(reference books)
G. Graffi, S. Scalise, Le lingue e il linguaggio. Introduzione alla linguistica, Il Mulino, limitatamente ai capitoli I, II, VII, VIII (excluding the in-depth paragraphs marked with an asterisk). To buy NOTES BY PROF. VIRNO, Il parlante come artista esecutore. Available in photocopy. Text P. Virno, to be read in relation to Austin and Malinowski. Optional, available in photocopy. J.L. AUSTIN, Enunciati performativi, in Id., Saggi Filosofici, Guerini e Associati, Milano 1990, pp. 221-36. Available in photocopy. E. BENVENISTE, Problemi di linguistica generale I, Il Saggiatore, Milano 1971, pp. 301-347, including the following essays: La natura dei pronomi, La soggettività del linguaggio, La filosofia analitica e il linguaggio. Available in photocopy. E. BENVENISTE, Problemi di linguistica generale II, Il Saggiatore, Milano 1987, lincluding the following essays: Il linguaggio e l’esperienza umana, pp. 83-95; L’apparato formale dell’enunciazione, pp. 96-106. Available in photocopy. B. MALINOWSKI, Il problema del significato dei linguaggi primitivi, in C.L. Ogden, I.A. Richards, Il significato del significato, Garzanti, Milano 1975, pp. 353-357. Available in photocopy. H. ARENDT, Vita Activa, Bompiani, chapters 1, 2, 5. To buy. Students who have to take a 4-credit exam do not have to answer for chapters. VII and VIII of the manual of Graffi and Scalise, nor of the chap. 1 and 2 of Vita activa by Arendt.
Linguaggio e natura umana, Bollati Boringhieri, only chap. 6° (“Storia naturale”). Photocopy avaible.