THEATRICAL CULTURES COMPARED a.a. 2017-2018 “Pupi”, “cunti”, puppets, marionettes and figures between East and West. Focus Mimmo Cuticchio
(L-ART/05) - 6 credits - bachelor degree professor Valentina Venturini
OBJECTIVES: to provide tools to face the study of European and extra-European theatrical cultures in an historical-comparative perspective. To this end, some theatrical experiences will be examined as “models” for the research of the different cultural matrices and of their technical junction points.
PROGRAM: After having traced a brief profile of the relationship between theatrical cultures of East and West, the course will examine some specific experiences, including those of the theater “di figura” between Asia and Europe.
(reference books)
Attending Students 1) Valentina Venturini, "Nato e cresciuto tra i pupi", Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2017 2) Nicola Savarese, "Il teatro eurasiano", Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2013 3) Texts and materials that will be recommended and / or provided during the lessons 4) FILM: "Don Giovanni all’Opera dei pupi" di M. Cuticchio
Recommended texts: a) Mimmo Cuticchio, "Alle armi, cavalieri! Le storie dei paladini di Francia raccontate da Mimmo Cuticchio", Roma, Donzelli, 2017
NON attending students: 1) Valentina Venturini, "Nato e cresciuto tra i pupi", Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2017 2) Nicola Savarese, "Teatro e spettacolo tra Oriente e Occidente", Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2009 3) Materials by the teacher (available at the Copy Center of v. Giulio Rocco n. 11.) 4) FILM: "Don Giovanni all’Opera dei pupi" di M. Cuticchio [Warnings: the film is available to students at the Dams library, via Ostiense 139, floor -1]
Recommended texts: a) Mimmo Cuticchio, "Alle armi, cavalieri! Le storie dei paladini di Francia raccontate da Mimmo Cuticchio", Roma, Donzelli, 2017 b) Eugenio Barba e Nicola Savarese, "I cinque continenti del teatro. Fatti e leggende della cultura materiale dell’attore", Bari, Edizioni di Pagina, 2017