Derived from
21010006 Managing complex urban programs in Master of Science - Urban Design LM-4 GIANTOMASSI GIORGIO
The "Procedures for the Implementation of Complex Programs" course will be structured in lessons, seminars and individual exercises. The lessons will essentially concern the new ways of designing urban transformation and regeneration interventions, resulting in the emergence of new issues or, in any case, the renewed revival of the old ones and the mutations that have occurred following national and regional reforms in the field of "Government of the Territory", the roles and organization of the competent bodies and, more generally, the evolution of economic conditions and social sensitivities.
(reference books)
- Filpa, Talia, “Fondamenti di governo del territorio” - Stefano Civvitarese Matteucci, “Procedure per l’attuazione dei programmi complessi”. - Aldo Rossi, "L'architettura della città" - Franco La Cecla, "Contro l'urbanistica" - Pietro Mezzi e Piero Pellizzaro, "La città resiliente" - Stefano Boeri, "L'Anti Città" - Domenico Ceccchini e Giordana Castelli, "Città sostenibili" - Paolo Avarello, “I programmi urbani complessi. Scenari e prospettive”. - Paolo Avarello, “Il Progetto Urbano” - Paolo Avarello, “Dai Piani urbanistici alle politiche urbane” - Italo Calvino, "Le città invisibili"
Course materials: Course materials will be available in a dedicated FTP folder that will be communicated by the teacher.