Statistical properties of motion: quasi-periodic motions with irrational frequency vectors. Frequencies of visit: existence and proof that they equal the fraction of phase space occupied, irrespective of the initial datum. Metric dynamical systems. Birkhoff's theorem (statement). General definition(s) of ergodic system: absence of non-trivial integral of motions; asymptotic factorization (in average) of the probability of visiting different sets at different times. Mixing systems. An example: the Arnold's cat map. Chaotic systems: Lyapunov exponents, dynamical basis, Oseledec's theorem (statement).
Complements on the theory of the rigid body: integrability of the motion of free rotation of an a-symmetric body around its center of mass. Integrability of the motion of a spinning symmetric body in the gravitational field.
Complements of Hamiltonian mechanics: action-angle variables for 1D conservative motions and for the Kepler's problem. The three-body problem in Keplerian variables. Precession of the perihelium of mercury.
(reference books)
- G. Gallavotti: The elements of mechanics, Springer-Verlag, 1983, available online on: http://ricerca.mat.uniroma3.it/ipparco/pagine/libri.html]
- G. Gallavotti, F. Bonetto, G. Gentile Aspects of the ergodic, qualitative and statistical theory of motion, Springer-Verlag 2004.
- L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz: Mechanics, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1976.
- V.I. Arnol’d: Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, Springer Graduate Texts in Mathematics.
- G. Gentile: Introduzione ai Sistemi Dinamici: 1 e 2, available online on: http://www.mat.uniroma3.it/users/gentile/2014-2015/FM410/testo.html