1. Firm classification by the size. Definitions of small business 2. Size of Italian firms: an international comparison based on statistics. Where does small business operate? 3. Birth and decline of large corporations in Italy. Origin, trend and transformation of industrial districts. Birth of medium-sized firms. The internationalization process of small and medium businesses in Italy 4. Peculiarities of small business and financial theory 5. Investment decisions of small business: concepts and tools for decision-making of small firms a. Break-even-analysis b. Sensitivity analysis c. analysis per scenarios and simulation techniques d. decision tree 6. Risk and cost of capital of small business a. Size effect and Fama-French three factors model b. Fundamental beta vs historical beta c. Residual income model (RIM) and risk drivers d. The probabilistic approach based on success/failure rates 7. Capital structure choice and financing decisions of small business a. Berger-Udell theory of financial life cycle b. The private debt of SMEs: typologies and key-features c. The determinants of SMEs' capital structure: theory and empirical findings d. Venture capital: theoretical and empirical literature 8. Empirical analysis on the peculiarities of Italian/European SMEs (to support the project work) a. Mediobanca-Unioncamere dataset on the Italian manufacturing MEs: structure and contents b. BACH-ESD dataset: structure and contents c. Statistical methodology for cross-sectional analysis of data (with excel add-on and/or SPSS sw)
(reference books)
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