Part one of the course faces the needs stemming from local contexts, the way they are detected and acknowledged within welfare and urban regulation policies, since long term provisional models are currently denied by new environmental emergencies, immigration, stagflation, and other largely unpredictable circumstances. Part two deals with public policies in the frame of the city as a “collective actor”. Innovation in urban policies, planning and urban design tools is called upon to a strategic approach matching certainty (in times (opp. within a term time) and procedures) and flexibility, resources shortage and multiplicity of actors. Part three deepens some reference cases of urban regeneration tackling different issues, such as: equity, understood as the quality of covenant with citizens; efficiency, framed as a set of conditions that optimize the urban performance; sustainability which conveys morphological and ecological quality of the environment. A major focus will pay attention to innovation in governance schemes and in professional skills involved.
(reference books)
Testi generali U. Beck, A. Giddens, S. Lash, Modernizzazione riflessiva, Trieste, Asterios, 1999. C. Chaline, Les politiques de la ville, Puf, 2008. F. Governa, M. Memoli ( a cura di), Geografia dell'urbano. Spazi, politiche, pratiche della città, Carocci, 2011.
Rapporti di ricerca A. Clementi, G. Dematteis, P.C. Palermo (a cura di), Le forme del territorio italiano (2 voll.), Bari, Laterza, 1996. S. Body-Gendrot, M. Lussault, Th. Paquot, La ville et l'urbain. L'état des savoirs, La Découverte, 2000. F. Karrer, S. Santangelo (a cura di), Conoscenza e azione in urbanistica, Alinea, 2000. F. Karrer, M. Ricci (a cura di), Città e nuovo welfare , Officina, 2003.
Casi studio P. Boino, Lyon. La production de la Ville, Parenthèses, 2009. A.L. Palazzo (a cura di), Sfide della rigenerazione urbana, “Urbanistica Informazioni”, n. 231, p. 9 ss., marzo-aprile 2010. A.L. Palazzo (a cura di), Città e territori tra progetto urbano e governance, “Urbanistica Informazioni”, n. 237, p. 9 ss., marzo-aprile 2011.