21002038 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
The contemporary concept of landscape deals with the recognizable relationships among aesthetic, ethical and material issues of a place. They express the most deep-rooted values of the identity of this place for the people that inhabits it, its past and also its future potential. In this course we’ll deal with landscape as outdoor living space, therefore we’ll deal with landscape project as architecture of open space - as the art and technique to shape to space - by using materials, methods and techniques peculiar to landscape architecture, a complex discipline that insists on relationships rather than on objects and on processes rather than outcomes; that uses natural and living materials in cyclical and evolutionary time scale, with no possibility of defining the appearance of a place once for all; that proceeds through strategies and programs rather than forms, while often testing new figurative languages; that needs the contamination - not pure stratification - of different skills (botany, geology, environmental engineering and science, economics and sociology ...); that does not proceed in a mechanical way from general to particular. The main objective of the course is to focus on this complexity for designing urban open spaces, to make students aware of the ability to govern and to value the cultural, ethical, figurative, environmental issues through a receptive and attentive skill (how to listen and look) and a specific technical skill (competence to intervene and transform).
21002038-3 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Related or supplementary learning activities
The Open Space Design Studio intends to provide reading and interpretation tools of the urban landscape, i.e. to develop the right sensitivity to recognize its the material and immaterial values as well as developing creativity and technical skills to translate them into an architecture design that is both "device" and "detonator" of landscape quality. The course aims at developing a specific critical / interpretative / theoretical background and contributing, together with the other modules of the Studio, to drawing up a complex and articulated design, a coherent set of architecture and open spaces, which is able to define or re-define the structure and image of a urban context.
(reference books)
- Clément G.: Manifesto del terzo paesaggio, Quodlibet 2006 - Koolhaas R.: Junkspace. Per un ripensamento radicale dello spazio urbano, Quodlibet 2006
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2017 to 28/02/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
The course “Design of Open Spaces” deals with themes strictly related to those developed from other modules of the Laboratory of Architectural Design 3M C, headed by Prof. Valerio Palmieri. The teaching activities, carried out during the first semester, are organized in lectures and in project experiences. The system of urban and peri-urban open spaces, characterized by human and natural features, represents the main theme of the course which involves different aspects of landscape. Particular importance is given to analysis, assessment and planning/design, with attention to physiographic, vegetational, historical, and visual elements of sites as well as anthropic and ecological dynamics. These represent the local identity and are capable of stimulating innovative strategies of planning and design in synergy with the characteristics of the territorial context, on both a large or a small scale. In this way, the lectures and project experiences can help the students to develop cognitive, assessment and design skills. These are based on the understanding and construction of relationships between architectures and open spaces, between identifying features and contemporary transformations, between spatial articulation and its evolutionary dynamics.
(reference books)
La bibliografia sarà comunicata durante le lezioni
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2017 to 28/02/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
The course “Design of Open Spaces” deals with themes strictly related to those developed from other modules of the Laboratory of Architectural Design 3M C, headed by Prof.Carlo Prati. The teaching activities, carried out during the first semester, are organized in lectures and in project experiences. The system of urban and peri-urban open spaces, characterized by human and natural features, represents the main theme of the course which involves different aspects of landscape. Particular importance is given to analysis, assessment and planning/design, with attention to physiographic, vegetational, historical, and visual elements of sites as well as anthropic and ecological dynamics. These represent the local identity and are capable of stimulating innovative strategies of planning and design in synergy with the characteristics of the territorial context, on both a large or a small scale. In this way, the lectures and project experiences can help the students to develop cognitive, assessment and design skills. These are based on the understanding and construction of relationships between architectures and open spaces, between identifying features and contemporary transformations, between spatial articulation and its evolutionary dynamics.
(reference books)
- Cinti D. (2008), Questioni di metodo, in Cinti D., Progetto di paesaggio. Il bacino di Montedoglio e la golena del Tevere, Firenze, pp. 17-71 - Clément G. (2005), Manifesto del Terzo paesaggio, Macerata. - Donadieu P. (2014), Scienze del Paesaggio. Tra teorie e pratiche, Pisa. - McHarg I.L., Progettare con la natura, 1989. - Panzini F. (1993), Per i piaceri del popolo. L’evoluzione del giardino pubblico in Europa dalle origini al XX secolo, Bologna. - Giacomini V., Romani V. (1982), Uomini e parchi, Milano. - Lynch K. (1964), L’immagine della città, Venezia, 1964.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2017 to 28/02/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
Module: |
21002038-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
During the Laboratorio students are asked to develope a project within the urban context of the existing city. Attention will be payed especially to abandoned places and areas which need to be redeveloped. Students will face the complexity of the contemporary city to outline architecture soluntions to regenerate public spaces and collective areas. The laboratorio together with design has three other subjects: City Planning, Landscape Architecture and Urban Economy. During the design studio, students are requested to engage in a continue research of architecture solutions, able to solve issues and problems posed by the different disciplines which are part of the Laboratorio. The design studio is organized in lectures on specific subject, design seminars and detailed discussions of the projects. The student work will be organized around a scheduled of in internal deadlines.
(reference books)
During lectures case study and reference book will be pointed out.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2017 to 28/02/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
The aim of the course is to focus an urban design problem in an integrated way, submitting the student a theme of reconversion, regeneration and reconfiguration of a significant area within the building fabric of Rome. For this purpose this year was chosen the area of the Via Cristoforo Colombo between Piazza dei Navigatori and the cross-axis formed by via Aristide Leonori and via Accademia degli Agiati. An urban sector that has been conditioned, since its formation in the years preceding the Second World War, by the presence of the EUR district, and whose recent history has been characterized by the transfer of the Fiera di Roma, with the consequent loss of function of the area it occupied until 2006.
(reference books)
the projects and its techniques: P.O. Rossi, La costruzione del progetto architettonico, Bari, Editori Laterza, 1996. H.Hertzberger, Lezioni di architettura, Bari, Editori Laterza, 1996. L. Altarelli et al., Forme della composizione, Roma, Kappa, 1997 G. Ponti, Amate l’architettura, Genova, Vitali e Ghianda, 1957, (ristampa in commercio: Milano, CUSL, 2004). K. Frampton, Tettonica e architettura. Poetica della forma architettonica nel XIX e XX secolo, Milano, Skira, 2005 C. Sitte, L’arte di costruire le città, Milano, Jaca Book, 1981.
the idea of dwelling: F. Dal Co, Abitare nel moderno, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 1985. I. Ábalos, Il buon abitare. Pensare le case della modernità, Christian Marinotti, Milano, 2009. F. Irace (a cura di), Storie d’interni. L’architettura dello spazio domestico moderno, Carocci, Roma, 2015. L. Molinari, Le case che siamo, Nottetempo, Milano, 2016
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2017 to 28/02/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
To consider architecture as an urban phenomenon allows us to see the project as a dual action, both analytical and practical, able to achieve a space configuration capable of positively orientate the future development of the city.
The Workshop studies the eastern area of Rome, concentrated around the Via Prenestina, and proposes, as an analysis of the building's scale, four different operating fields interpreted as paradigms of the state of strong instability in which the contemporary city is.
The course has the purpose to verify, through the project's tools, the actuality of researches on the formation of the city seen as a summation of heterogeneous parts carried out starting from the 60’s by Aldo Rossi, Carlo Aymonino and Colin Rowe and to verify their applicability in a project of regeneration on the urban scale1.
Among the main assumptions to be verified:
The city as a set of parts: “The passage in the modern city from the central reference points (...) to the paths system as a way of total representation of the urban system cancels any homogeneous and global significance of the city itself (...) by assigning to infrastructure the role of structural elements of the system itself. Therefore, the total representation accentuates the process previously started of the independence of the parts of the city, making the morphological unit of the set disappear”.2
Relationship between building and city. We can consider the city as the product of a changing relationship between types of building and urban morphology that can define the content of a building, always stretched between the need to stick to a model or to propose a variation as a result of a "compromise"3 generated by the need to get adapted to an imperfect site.
Relationship between city and history. The city is "an artificial place of history in which every age - every society that has come to diversify itself from the one that preceded it - tries, through the representation of itself in architectural monuments, the impossible: to mark that specific time, beyond necessities and contingent reasons why buildings were built."4
Beauty of a city. The beauty of a city is the result of a contradiction: on one hand the permanence of the monument seen as an inheritance and on the other hand the "constantly changing reality of the use made of such heritage". 5 Meaning of a city. The meaning of the city is in the role of the monuments that become "significant (...) precisely because, with their specific presence before and with the diversification of use after, they give an important contribution in changing partial references in relation to the set "6
Relationship between monument and city. Monuments are "permanences" inside the urban structure of "a past that we still experience"7 then the architect must understand the problem of permanences interpretable in two ways, both as "pathologies" and as "propulsion" elements.
Field of study
The Workshop has as subject of study the Via Prenestina, in the distance between Porta Maggiore and the pre-Roman city of Gabii; it offers 4 different operating fields as a design analysis to the building scale.
The choice of the territories in which to experiment and verify the premises that were set at the basis of the course program, will be shared within the working groups starting with a proposal that focuses on the four fields of study according to a principle of morpho- typological homogeneity, of functional outfits and of historical-environmental resources.
Respecting the different historical ages that have produced just as many ways of building the city, along the Via Prenestina, it is possible to trace in all of its sections, ancient monuments (Porta Maggiore and Torrione Prenestino, Largo Preneste and Villa Gordiani, Quarticciolo and La Mistica, Gabii and Via Gabina), open spaces (Villa Gordiani, Parco Alessandrino, Parco della Mistica, Gabii’s archaeological park) and patterns of historical and architectural value (ICP via L'Aquila, UNRA Casas Gordiani, PdZ Tor Sapienza, ICP Quarticciolo, PdZ Ponte di Nona) inserted in spontaneous urban contexts (Pigneto, Centocelle, Tor Sapienza, Osteria dell'Omo, Osteria dell'Osa) and set side by side with dismantled industrial structures (the depository of ATAC Porta Maggiore, SNIA Viscosa, the barracks of CERIMANT, AMA Rocca Cencia).
The invariants for the development of the project must be tracked within these components, with the help of the transformability forecasts established by the PRG and the limitations imposed by the current laws.
(reference books)
I riferimenti bibliografici saranno forniti durante il corso, al termine delle singole lezioni. A titolo orientativo sono ritenuti fondativi i seguenti testi:
C. Aymonino. Il significato delle città, Edizioni Laterza, Bari 1975.
A. Rossi, L'architettura della città, Editori Marsilio, Padova 1966. (prima edizione)
C. Aymonino, A. Rossi. La formazione del concetto di tipologia edilizia. Atti del corso di caratteri distributivi degli edifici AA 1964-1965 IUAV. Editrice Cluva, Venezia 1965
Progetto architettonico e formazione della città. Di C. Aymonino, in “Lotus” n°7 Architettura nella formazione della città moderna. Alfieri Edizioni d'Arte, Venezia 1970 (prima edizione)
C. Rowe, F. Koetter, Collage City. MIT press, Cambridge 1978.
O. M. Ungers, R. Koolhaas, con P. Riemann, H. Kollhoff, and A. Ovaska “The city in the cit–Berlin: A green Archipelago. A manifesto (1977)”, Edizione critica di F. Hertweck e S. Marot. Lars Muller Publishers, Svizzera 2013
O. M. Ungers, La città dialettica, Skira, Milano 1997
L. Quaroni, Immagine di Roma, ed Laterza, Roma Bari 1976
R. Venturi, Complessità e contraddizioni nell'architettura, Ed. Dedalo, Bari 1980.
F. Purini, Comporre l’architettura, ed. LaterzaRoma-Bari, 2000
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2017 to 28/02/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
The training module aims to provide the skills necessary to lead the urban setting of the urban project, both in its size and quality aspects and problematic. The module will participate in the workshop through a tight integration with the study and analysis of the different characteristics of the context and with the development of the design for the redevelopment and regeneration scope of intervention with a view to a more comprehensive redefinition of the offer of settlement within the Roman metropolitan context.
21002038-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The module’s aim is to promote coherence between the architectural project and the built environment’s design. The module develops detailed design approach to the local scale.
Knowledge will be imparted through lectures on: - regeneration’s strategies of contemporary city; - description of several regeneration’s projects; - major concepts used in the analysis and understanding of the built environment (townscape analysis, morphology, uses, natural environment); - description of differents masterplans and design code.
The module experiments a design’s method based on site analysis, evaluation and project referred to the local dimension. The final work, prepared in class seminars, concerns: - urban design analysis of the local context (urban pattern, open space and environmental issues, infrastructure and transport issues, community and social issues, existing community facilities, development issues/current initiative); - critical understanding of people’s diverse everyday uses, problems, link and project opportunities, site analysis summary; - strategic context framework plan and project opportunities as answer to the revealed contradictions.
Students, in investigation’s group, have to produce four outlines: two concern the urban design analysis of the local context and two describe the project through the elaboration of a masterplan, the formulation of a design code and project’s vision. In the final examination each student presents an overview of the work which is followed by discussion on the issues raised. The module encourages student to develop a critical perspective on their own work.
(reference books)
- Banerjee T., Loukaitou-Sideris T., (edit. by), (2011), Companion to Urban Design, Routledge. - Carmona, M., (2010), Public Places Urban Spaces, The Dimensions of Urban Design (Second Edition). Architectural Press. - Gabellini, P., (2001), Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci ed. - Gabellini, P., (1998), La rappresentazione nel piano urbanistico, Nis ed. - Nucci, L., (2011), Verde di prossimità e disegno urbano, Gangemi Editore, Roma. - Nucci, L., (2004), Reti verdi e disegno della città contemporanea: la costruzione del nuovo piano di Londra, Gangemi Editore, Roma. - Secchi, B., (2008), La città del Ventesimo Secolo, Laterza Ed., Bari. - Campos Venuti G., Oliva F (a cura di), (2010), Città senza cultura. Intervista sull'urbanistica, Laterza Ed., Bari. - AA VV (2013), Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale, città studi edizioni, Milano.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2017 to 28/02/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
Module of Urban Planning Theme of study: urban transformation in Rome between infrastructures and ecological network. The study context is the Roman metropolitan area. The specific area of the exercise corresponds to the spatial area connected with the rail systems (metropolitan, tram), existing and programmed, in relation to the core areas of the ecological network. The elaborations will focus on the development of an intervention program for urban upgrading and restoration of environmental and landscape values of critical contexts, characterized by the existence of public goods that can serve as a flywheel for a higher feasibility of urban regeneration interventions, and for the most advanced pursuit of public interest objectives. Project planning will start from the design diagrams in the Rome Plan, in particular the Strategic Planning Areas and the Preliminary Design Schemes for the city to be restructured.
In particular, the hypothesis of intervention will cover the contexts where the risk arising from climate change-related phenomena is more pronounced, in order to measure the feasibility of urban transformation measures, including settlements transfer and ecological regeneration of settlements; And those characterized by large public properties involved in the processes of democratization and privatization of the assets, activated to reduce the deficits of local and municipal authorities (formerly strong and barracks, owned by municipal companies such as AMA and ATAC, various patrimony assets). The scope of intervention will be selected in collaboration with the Laboratory Coordinator, and in relation to the assigned design theme.
Particular attention will be paid to the structural (physical, economic, social) conditions for the production of public goods and their renewal, including through the quantitative verification of the infrastructure and the comparison of the indicators measured with the indicators defined by the service objectives. A specific focus will be on the topics of territorial energy efficiency, as a feasible condition for urban regeneration interventions.
Teaching organization The elaborations will be carried out in two to four component workgroups, equipped with a laptop on which to carry out the project activities. The exams will be produced in A3 - A2 - A1 format or in notebook, with free technique. For the editing of the Album are necessary: PRG materials, basic cartographies (CTR 1: 10,000, IGM 1: 25,000, PTPR Tavv A and B, others), knowledge of the main software.
The expected processing phases include: - the identification and reconnaissance of the contexts of the study, the infrastructure and local services and the phenomena of physical and social degradation and of the resources / opportunities offered by the application of the new city PRG and the compatibility With the PTPR requirements; - the study of the context should include the understanding and synthesis of knowledge of orographic characters, hydrographic networks, environmental mascroses, landscaping and agricultural parcels (if present), morphology of the constructed and vegetation (plant textures), with chronological comparisons, building a sedimentation of disheveled and stratified conditions and materials. - the creation of a summary of the main public objectives that may be expected from the study of the PRG, possibly in its variation, with particular regard to the maintenance / restoration of landscape values, the system of public services for proximity and Urban scale, and to the dimensioning of the offer of residential housing for social housing; This phase will include the definition of the territorial envelope present and a sizable dimension of the desirable facilities, according to a recent cultural and administrative orientation that tends to overcome the traditional urban standards; - the outline of the preliminary design scheme, in accordance with the ways that the PRG of Rome envisages for Integrated Programs for Intervention or for Urban Projects, as well as the preliminary program for the interventions to be carried out;
This first phase of work will be carried out in macrogroups, each of which will address the revision of the preliminary design scheme of a PRINT or an Urban Project, also in the light of the definition of landscape compatibility. Subsequently, each design team will choose a field and a design theme to work on, leading the design exercise to completion. It will include: - the design of specific proposals for transformation, assuming the convergence of subjects and resources of public and private sources; - the definition of a framework for the economic and financial feasibility of the intervention, starting from a scheme that will be provided by the teaching group.
The elaborates will include: design diagrams at various scales (from 1: 10,000 to 1: 500-1: 200), including appropriate three-dimensional representations and render of the project; Calculating tables and verifying the dimensional urban, environmental, existing and expected territorial features, economic and parametric-building dimensions; Synthetic powerpoint presentation of the project to be displayed at the exam.
(reference books)
Calthorpe P. “New Urbanism” Carfree Cities - Climate Booklet for Urban Development Online - Indications for Urban Land-Use Planning Comune di Roma, Nuovo PRG 2003 De Pascali P. (2008 ) “Città ed energia”, Angeli, Milano Gabellini P. (2001) “Tecniche urbanistiche”, Carocci, Roma Gabellini P. (2010) “Fare urbanistica. Esperienze, comunicazione, memoria.” Carocci, Roma Giammarco C., Isola A. (1993) “Disegnare le periferie. Il progetto del limite”, Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma Dovey K, Woodcock I eds (2014), “Intensifying Melbourne. Transit-Oriented Urban Design for Resilient Urban Futures” Ombuen S., Ricci M., Segnalini O. (2000) “I programmi complessi”, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano Pallottini R. (1999) a cura di, “I nuovi luoghi della città”, Fratelli Palombi, Roma Tocci W. (2008) “La città del tram”, in Tocci W., Insolera I., Morandi D., “Avanti c’è posto”, Donzelli, Roma Urban Land Institute (2017) “Harvesting the Value of Water”,
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2017 to 28/02/2018 |
Delivery mode
The focus of the course is to delve into what European policies acknowledge as greenways and „Green Infrastructure‟, that is strategically planned and delivered networks comprising the broadest range of green spaces and other environmental features. Case studies will be provided within the "greater Rome". The European landscape, more than any other, has suffered a huge loss of natural habitats because of fragmentation of land uses and landscapes due to human activities and infrastructure. Such processes, resulting in an alarming decrease in many wildlife populations, are likely to jeopardize biodiversity conservation. Lately, although the main natural areas are now largely protected by the Natura 2000 Network, new concerns have been raised related to climatic challenges and to overall ecological performances within metropolitan areas. Green Infrastructures, encompassing further green (land) and blue (water) spaces, are strategically planned networks of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed and managed to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services such as water purification, air quality, space for recreation and climate mitigation and adaptation. Under a planning perspective, new relationships between urban and rural in contemporary territories raise questions about land use, level of fragmentation and fragility, management of landscape and experimentation of appropriate forms of inclusive governance.
(reference books)
Aristone O., Palazzo A.L. (2016), “Né città né campagna. La nuova forma città”, in Agriregionieuropa, anno 12, n. 44, Mar 2016. Bastiani M. (2011), Contratti di Fiume. Pianificazione strategica e partecipata di bacini idrografici, Palermo, Flaccovio. Comitato Economico e Sociale Europeo, (2015) Parere del Comitato economico e sociale europeo sul tema «Lo sviluppo locale di tipo partecipativo (CLLD) come strumento della politica di coesione 2014-2020 per lo sviluppo locale, rurale, urbano e periurbano» (2015/C 230/01) Comune di Roma Ufficio Speciale Tevere e litorale (1985), Progetto Aniene 85, Editore Argos, Roma. Decisione n. 1386/2013/UE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 20 novembre 2013 su un Programma generale di azione dell'Unione in materia di ambiente fino al 2020 «Vivere bene entro i limiti del nostro pianeta». European Environment Agency (2011). Landscape fragmentation in Europe, Joint EEA-FOEN report n. 2. Fanfani D. (2016), “La governance integrata nelle aree agricole periurbane”, in Agriregionieuropa, anno 12 n.44, Mar 2016. ISPRA (2016), Consumo di suolo, dinamiche territoriali e servizi ecosistemici, Roma. Palazzo A.L., (a cura di, 2005), Campagne urbane. Paesaggi in trasformazione nell’area romana, Gangemi, Roma. Piorr A., Ravetz J., Tosics I. (a cura di, 2011), Peri-urbanisation in Europe: Towards a European Policy to sustain Urban-Rural Futures. PLUREL Report, University of Copenhagen/Academic Books Life Sciences. Rizzo B., (2016), “Policy-Making in Metropolitan Areas. The Aniene River as a Green Infrastructure between Roma and Tivoli”, in International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal, n. 18.3
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2017 to 28/02/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
This course will cover theoretical, practical and applied aspects of urban economy. The theoretical section will be divided into two parts: (1) introduction to basic concepts of urban economy, and (2) analysis of the quality of urban spaces and of its determining features. The applied section of the course serves to illustrate the use of statistical data and geographic information systems (GIS) for a territorial analysis of the different components of urban quality within this workshop’s field of studies.
21002038-4 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The course is dedicated to studying the methods used to define the quality of life in an urban environment. Quality indicators will be analysed in detail by taking account of the complex relationships that arise from different kinds of wellbeing (economic, social, environmental). Our case study will focus on the urban area of Ostiense-Marconi and the socio-economic, urban and environmental effects caused by the arrival of the University Roma Tre in the 1990s. We will begin by introducing basic concepts, and discussing some of the problems regarding the different priorities of the city and of citizens’ quality of life. Existing studies on the quality of life elsewhere and under different administrative systems will also be studied, along with their respective theoretical approaches and quality indicator systems. A body of information covering comparable data in different time periods will be provided, although this information will be dependent on the accessibility and availability of such data. The course will attach great importance to the applied approach. Students will acquire basic concepts in the construction and management of databases, analytical research and spatial statistics. There will also be some lessons on the use of GIS and its application in the presentation of the results of practical exercises.
Databases and additional material These will be provided to students during the course.
(reference books)
Bibliografia di riferimento Camagni R. (1998) Principi di economia urbana e territoriale, Roma, Carocci Storper M., Scott A.J. (2009) Rethinking human capital, creativity and urban growth, Journal of Economic Geography 9, pp.147-167 van Kamp I., Leidelmeijer K., Marsman G., de Hollander A. (2003) Urban environmental quality and human well-being. Towards a conceptual framework and demarcation of concepts; a literature study, Landscape and Urban Planning 65, pp. 5–18 Robeyns I . (2005) The Capability Approach: a theoretical survey, Journal of Human Development 6(1), pp. 93-117 Smith T., Nelischer M., Perkins N. (1997) Quality of an urban community: a framework for understanding the relationship between quality and physical form, Landscape and Urban Planning 39, pp 229-241 Martínez, J.A., Pfeffer, K. and Baud, I. (2016) Factors shaping cartographic representations of inequalities : maps as products and processes, Habitat International : A Journal for the Study of Human Settlements, 51 (2016) pp. 90-102. ISTAT (2015) La nuova geografia dei sistemi locali, on-line: ISTAT (2014) Rapporto BES 2014, on-line: Roma città “fai da te”, Quaderni urbanistica 02/2013. Lelo K. (2011) Sistemi informativi geografici, in M. Munafò (a cura di), Rappresentare il territorio e l'ambiente, pp. 265-274, Roma, Bonanno. Lelo K. (2011) Principi di basi di dati, in M. Munafò (a cura di), Rappresentare il territorio e l'ambiente, pp. 287-292, Avarello A., d’Errico R., Palazzo A.L., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Il quadrante Ostiense tra Otto e Novecento, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XII, 2004, 1-2; D’Errico R., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Economia, società e politiche urbane del territorio ostiense (secc. XIX-XX), “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XX, 2012, 1; D’Errico R., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Ricerche sul patrimonio urbano tra Testaccio e Ostiense, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XX, 2012, 2; Neri M.L., Parisella A., Racheli A.M. (a cura di), Industria e città. I luoghi della produzione fra archeologia e recupero, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, VIII, 2000, 1-2; Racheli A., Ostiense Novissima: quale futuro per questa area urbana? “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XIV, 2006, 1-3, pp. 381-386; Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Un patrimonio urbano tra memoria e progetti. Roma. L’area Ostiense-Testaccio, Roma, CROMA-Università Roma Tre, 2004. Travaglini C.M., Tra Testaccio e l’Ostiense i segni di Roma produttiva: un paesaggio urbano e un patrimonio culturale per la città, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XIV, 2006, 1-3, pp. 343-380.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2017 to 28/02/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
Derived from
21002038-4 ECONOMIA URBANA in Master of Science - Architecture LM-4 CANALE I LELO KETI
The course is dedicated to studying the methods used to define the quality of life in an urban environment. Quality indicators will be analysed in detail by taking account of the complex relationships that arise from different kinds of wellbeing (economic, social, environmental). Our case study will focus on the urban area of Ostiense-Marconi and the socio-economic, urban and environmental effects caused by the arrival of the University Roma Tre in the 1990s. We will begin by introducing basic concepts, and discussing some of the problems regarding the different priorities of the city and of citizens’ quality of life. Existing studies on the quality of life elsewhere and under different administrative systems will also be studied, along with their respective theoretical approaches and quality indicator systems. A body of information covering comparable data in different time periods will be provided, although this information will be dependent on the accessibility and availability of such data. The course will attach great importance to the applied approach. Students will acquire basic concepts in the construction and management of databases, analytical research and spatial statistics. There will also be some lessons on the use of GIS and its application in the presentation of the results of practical exercises.
Databases and additional material These will be provided to students during the course.
(reference books)
Bibliografia di riferimento Camagni R. (1998) Principi di economia urbana e territoriale, Roma, Carocci Storper M., Scott A.J. (2009) Rethinking human capital, creativity and urban growth, Journal of Economic Geography 9, pp.147-167 van Kamp I., Leidelmeijer K., Marsman G., de Hollander A. (2003) Urban environmental quality and human well-being. Towards a conceptual framework and demarcation of concepts; a literature study, Landscape and Urban Planning 65, pp. 5–18 Robeyns I . (2005) The Capability Approach: a theoretical survey, Journal of Human Development 6(1), pp. 93-117 Smith T., Nelischer M., Perkins N. (1997) Quality of an urban community: a framework for understanding the relationship between quality and physical form, Landscape and Urban Planning 39, pp 229-241 Martínez, J.A., Pfeffer, K. and Baud, I. (2016) Factors shaping cartographic representations of inequalities : maps as products and processes, Habitat International : A Journal for the Study of Human Settlements, 51 (2016) pp. 90-102. ISTAT (2015) La nuova geografia dei sistemi locali, on-line: ISTAT (2014) Rapporto BES 2014, on-line: Roma città “fai da te”, Quaderni urbanistica 02/2013. Lelo K. (2011) Sistemi informativi geografici, in M. Munafò (a cura di), Rappresentare il territorio e l'ambiente, pp. 265-274, Roma, Bonanno. Lelo K. (2011) Principi di basi di dati, in M. Munafò (a cura di), Rappresentare il territorio e l'ambiente, pp. 287-292, Avarello A., d’Errico R., Palazzo A.L., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Il quadrante Ostiense tra Otto e Novecento, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XII, 2004, 1-2; D’Errico R., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Economia, società e politiche urbane del territorio ostiense (secc. XIX-XX), “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XX, 2012, 1; D’Errico R., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Ricerche sul patrimonio urbano tra Testaccio e Ostiense, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XX, 2012, 2; Neri M.L., Parisella A., Racheli A.M. (a cura di), Industria e città. I luoghi della produzione fra archeologia e recupero, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, VIII, 2000, 1-2; Racheli A., Ostiense Novissima: quale futuro per questa area urbana? “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XIV, 2006, 1-3, pp. 381-386; Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Un patrimonio urbano tra memoria e progetti. Roma. L’area Ostiense-Testaccio, Roma, CROMA-Università Roma Tre, 2004. Travaglini C.M., Tra Testaccio e l’Ostiense i segni di Roma produttiva: un paesaggio urbano e un patrimonio culturale per la città, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XIV, 2006, 1-3, pp. 343-380.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2017 to 28/02/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
Derived from
21002038-4 ECONOMIA URBANA in Master of Science - Architecture LM-4 CANALE I LELO KETI
The course is dedicated to studying the methods used to define the quality of life in an urban environment. Quality indicators will be analysed in detail by taking account of the complex relationships that arise from different kinds of wellbeing (economic, social, environmental). Our case study will focus on the urban area of Ostiense-Marconi and the socio-economic, urban and environmental effects caused by the arrival of the University Roma Tre in the 1990s. We will begin by introducing basic concepts, and discussing some of the problems regarding the different priorities of the city and of citizens’ quality of life. Existing studies on the quality of life elsewhere and under different administrative systems will also be studied, along with their respective theoretical approaches and quality indicator systems. A body of information covering comparable data in different time periods will be provided, although this information will be dependent on the accessibility and availability of such data. The course will attach great importance to the applied approach. Students will acquire basic concepts in the construction and management of databases, analytical research and spatial statistics. There will also be some lessons on the use of GIS and its application in the presentation of the results of practical exercises.
Databases and additional material These will be provided to students during the course.
(reference books)
Bibliografia di riferimento Camagni R. (1998) Principi di economia urbana e territoriale, Roma, Carocci Storper M., Scott A.J. (2009) Rethinking human capital, creativity and urban growth, Journal of Economic Geography 9, pp.147-167 van Kamp I., Leidelmeijer K., Marsman G., de Hollander A. (2003) Urban environmental quality and human well-being. Towards a conceptual framework and demarcation of concepts; a literature study, Landscape and Urban Planning 65, pp. 5–18 Robeyns I . (2005) The Capability Approach: a theoretical survey, Journal of Human Development 6(1), pp. 93-117 Smith T., Nelischer M., Perkins N. (1997) Quality of an urban community: a framework for understanding the relationship between quality and physical form, Landscape and Urban Planning 39, pp 229-241 Martínez, J.A., Pfeffer, K. and Baud, I. (2016) Factors shaping cartographic representations of inequalities : maps as products and processes, Habitat International : A Journal for the Study of Human Settlements, 51 (2016) pp. 90-102. ISTAT (2015) La nuova geografia dei sistemi locali, on-line: ISTAT (2014) Rapporto BES 2014, on-line: Roma città “fai da te”, Quaderni urbanistica 02/2013. Lelo K. (2011) Sistemi informativi geografici, in M. Munafò (a cura di), Rappresentare il territorio e l'ambiente, pp. 265-274, Roma, Bonanno. Lelo K. (2011) Principi di basi di dati, in M. Munafò (a cura di), Rappresentare il territorio e l'ambiente, pp. 287-292, Avarello A., d’Errico R., Palazzo A.L., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Il quadrante Ostiense tra Otto e Novecento, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XII, 2004, 1-2; D’Errico R., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Economia, società e politiche urbane del territorio ostiense (secc. XIX-XX), “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XX, 2012, 1; D’Errico R., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Ricerche sul patrimonio urbano tra Testaccio e Ostiense, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XX, 2012, 2; Neri M.L., Parisella A., Racheli A.M. (a cura di), Industria e città. I luoghi della produzione fra archeologia e recupero, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, VIII, 2000, 1-2; Racheli A., Ostiense Novissima: quale futuro per questa area urbana? “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XIV, 2006, 1-3, pp. 381-386; Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Un patrimonio urbano tra memoria e progetti. Roma. L’area Ostiense-Testaccio, Roma, CROMA-Università Roma Tre, 2004. Travaglini C.M., Tra Testaccio e l’Ostiense i segni di Roma produttiva: un paesaggio urbano e un patrimonio culturale per la città, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XIV, 2006, 1-3, pp. 343-380.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2017 to 28/02/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation