Derived from
Training Objectives The general objective is to achieve communicative and socio-cultural competence. The course aims to deepen the study of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture. The course is divided into three modules: the first (language) provides for the study of the rules of operation of Spanish (level B1); in the second module (phraseology and paremiology), the formal and semantic characteristics of the phraseological and paremiological units will be addressed at different levels (morphological, syntactic, semantic, contrastive and cultural); the third module provides for the study of sectoral languages and, in particular, a first approach to the study of political language will be established. Prerequisites The course is held by the teacher in Spanish language; therefore, in order to follow the lessons, a level of knowledge of the A1 language is required in order to facilitate the acquisition of the necessary linguistic and cultural skills. Course Contents Module I: Language Grammar content: Revision of the pasado tiempos of the indicative Review of the imperative requirements Discussion Conectores Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo, Pretérito Imperfecto de Subjuntivo, Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo: Morphology and usages Repaso del Condicional Simple Condicional Compuesto. Morphology and usages Relativos adverbiales Por y para Oraciones independientes: indicative/subjunctive contrasts Oraciones relativas: indicative/subjunctive contrasts Substantial Oraciones: minutes of perception, thought, minutes of feeling, desire, voluntad, minutes of mandate, ruego, prohibición ... Ser, estar, parecer + que: contraste indicativo/subjuntivo Oraciones adversativas Oraciones causales Oraciones consecutivas Oraciones finales Oraciones condicionales Oraciones concesivas Oraciones temporales Fashion Oraciones Oraciones de lugar Oraciones comparativas Gearbox verbs Note: The language module covers grammar and morphosyntactic content that students will need to study in order to pass the written test (B1) for all students. The following manual is recommended:
Raffaella Odicino, Cecilia Campos, Majorie Sánchez, Gramática española, Utet, Rome, 2014. Raffaella Odicino, Cecilia Campos, Majorie Sánchez, Ejercicios de gramática española, Utet, Rome, 2017. Suggested texts. Not mandatory.
Module II: Phraseology and Paremiology Theoretical content: History of the nacimiento of the study of the phraseológicas and paremiológicas unidades Near Exponents Definition of UF Characteristics of the UF (idiomaticidad, fijación, sentido figurado, brevedad, presencia de arcaísmos ... Clasification of UF Las locuciones Las colocaciones Las paremias The phraseological statements Contrasting análisisis Ejemplos and practical application Note: At the end of the semester, students should present PowerPoint group work on the programme carried out during Module II (Phraseology) lessons. This work will be evaluated as an exemption and must be agreed in advance with the teacher and Dr. Alessia Ruggeri ( In addition, students are required to study the books in the program and the handouts (AA. 2016-2017). Students who do not attend will have to study the books in the program and the handouts (AA. 2016-2017) and will have to learn an adequate number of phraseologisms (phrases, placements, paremias), as well as explain their meaning, the correspondence in Italian, the origin, the register of use and indicate examples of other similar structures (synonyms). For this purpose, we recommend the texts: Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, Apuntes de fraseología, paremiología, traducción y didáctica del español, Avant editorial, Barcelona, 2017. NOT ALL CHAPTERS María Prieto, Modismos y metáforas culturales, Madrid, Edinumen, Madrid, 2007. Gordana Vranic, Hablar por los codos, Edelsa, Madrid, 2008. Module III Culture The module focuses on the study of special languages and political language. The characteristics and analysis of political discourse. Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, El lenguaje político. Características y análisisis del discurso político, Maggioli editore / Apogeo education, Milan, 2016. NOT ALL CHAPTERS Didactic Methods The teaching for the Language, Culture and Institutions Course of the Spanish Language Countries (7 CFU) is divided into three modules: 1) Language, 2) Phraseology and Paremiology and 3) Culture. Module I concerns a review of the main grammar rules of the Spanish language. Module II deals with phraseology and is based on the theoretical and practical study of the phraseological and paremological figures of daily use in a communicative, cultural and contrasting Spanish-Italian perspective. Module III deals with the study of special languages and political language. The topics will be dealt with frontally and in the form of seminars. Methods of verifying learning Written examination The written examination is based on exercises at
(reference books)
Raffaella Odicino, Cecilia Campos, Majorie Sánchez, Gramática española, Utet, Roma, 2014. Raffaella Odicino, Cecilia Campos, Majorie Sánchez, Ejercicios de gramática española, Utet, Roma, 2017. Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, Apuntes de fraseología, paremiología, traducción y didáctica del español, Avant editorial, Barcelona, 2017. NON TUTTI I CAPITOLI María Prieto, Modismos y metáforas culturales, Madrid, Edinumen, Madrid, 2007. Gordana Vranic, Hablar por los codos, Edelsa, Madrid, 2008. Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, El lenguaje político. Características y análisis del discurso político, Maggioli editore / Apogeo education, Milano, 2016.