The first part of the course aims to give the basic notions of second language learning processes, with special reference to spontaneous language learning and to interlanguage development, as well as to metalinguistic reflection. In the second part, the course focuses on the development of competence in using various linguistic skills in a second language through an analysis of the Common European Framework of Reference. The course provides an introduction to the concepts of plurilingual education and intercomprehension.
(reference books)
Cristina Bosisio e Marini Chini (a cura di) (2014), Fondamenti di glottodidattica. Apprendere e insegnare le lingue oggi, Roma, Carocci. Elisabetta BONVINO, 2008, Valutazione e misurazione dell’apprendimento linguistico. Consiglio d'Europa, 2002, Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue: apprendimento, insegnamento, valutazione, La Nuova Italia - Le Monnier, capitoli 1-4. Dispense sull'intercomprensione.