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20402392 SEISMOLOGY AND GEODESY in Field and Natural Resources Geology LM-74 N0 CULTRERA GIOVANNA, CAMMARANO FABIO
Introduction to seismology and history of seismology. Generation and propagation of seismic waves: seismic source and seismic moment, scales of magnitudes, focal mechanisms, seismic-waves propagation (include attenuation, anisotropy, anelasicity), site effects. Main seismic phases, travel times studies, seismic tomography, Earth’s seismic structure. Seismic signal and introduction to seismometry. The seismic cycle. Geodetic techniques applied to crustal deformation. Contribution of seismology to the study of tectonics and geodynamics. Seismic hazard and seismic zonation of the Italian territory. Practical part - seismic processing: Fourier analysis, digital filtering, aliasing, stacking, seismometer response. Get your machines ready to work (installing SAC, tutorial)! Hands-on approach using SAC (Seismic Analysis Code) and solve exercises.
(reference books)
- Terremoti e onde. Metodi e pratica della sismologia moderna, Zollo e Emolo, Liguori Ed. - An introduction to Seismology, Earthquakes, and Earth Structure, Stein and Wysession, Blackwell Publishing, pp. 1-498 - Terremoto e rischio sismico, M.G. Ciaccio e G. Cultrera, Ed. Ediesse 2014. - Lecture notes distributed during the course.