The course will investigate the relation between law and social change in the present time, and in the theoretical and empirical foundation processes of the modern State. It will provide the tools needed to understand the rising problems, the innovative apparatuses linked to visual arts, critical thought, and gender studies, together with the classic themes of the socio-legal thought. The course will develop through two modules. The former will inquire into the theoretical bases that authors and foundational themes provide to the discipline, with regard both to the legal culture and the institutions aimed at managing social deviant behaviors (Luhmann; Habermas; Bourdieu; Foucault; Canetti; the Critical Legal Studies; the Law and Economics approach, and the approach that investigates the relation between law and gender studies) The latter module will offer more specific tools: 1) The analysis of the symbolic functions of femininity, masculinity, and the satirical in the iconographical representations of law and justice – the same representations that accompanied the birth and the development of the modern State, contributing to the diffusion of the legal culture both into the society and the common sense; 2) The analysis of the conflict between right, law and social justice in the contemporary economic context characterized by globalization and financialization.
(reference books)
Testi obbligatori ai fini del superamento dell’esame (8 crediti).
- G. Campesi, I. Pupolizio, N. Riva (a cura di), Diritto e Teoria sociale. Introduzione al pensiero socio-giuridico contemporaneo, Carocci, Roma 2009.
- A. Simone, Rappresentare il Diritto e la Giustizia nella modernità. Universi simbolici, iconografia, mutamento sociale, Mimesis, Milano 2016.
- A. Simone, F. Zappino (a cura di), Fare Giustizia. Neoliberismo e diseguaglianze sociali, Mimesis, Milano 2016 (solo introduzione e saggi di Simone A., Giardini F., Coccoli L., Ciervo A., Ferraro S., Fusaschi M., Petti G.).
I testi da utilizzare per il conseguimento di 6 c.f.u dovranno essere concordati con la docente.