I. Morphology.
1. Noun: declension (all exceptions), semantics of cases (deepening). 2. Adjective and Adverb comparative degrees. 3. Numbers, Numerals and Related Constructions: declension of cardinal numerals; concordance of cardinal numerals with nouns and adjectives; ordinal numerals. Time indication (in-depth). 4. Pronouns: negative pronouns (with не and ни), indefinite pronouns (with -то, -нибудь, кое-), reflexive pronouns. Use of possessive pronouns (in-depth). Plural pronouns with singular meaning: мы с ней, etc. 5. Verb: verb government, reflective verbs, verbs of motion without prefixes and prefixed verbs of motion, aspect usage (after negation, imperative, modal verbs); conditional mood; participles.
II. Syntax.
1. Simple sentence syntax. In-depth study of time expressions: use of prepositions (через, после, перед, до, за, в, на, без, при), date and time indication, action duration indication etc. Impersonal phrases. 2. In-depth study of motion and location expression; use of prepositions (у, к, в, из, на, с, между, над, под, за, перед, напротив, по). 3. Syntax of the Period: relative, causal, consecutive, concessional, conditional, temporal, final subordinates with the most common conjunctions. 4. Direct and indirect speech.
(reference books)
L. Miller, L. Politova, Žili-byli… 12 urokov russkogo jazyka. Bazovyj uroven’. Učebnik., Sankt-Peterburg, Zlatoust, 2009.
L. Miller, L. Politova, Žili-byli… 12 urokov russkogo jazyka. Bazovyj uroven’. Rabočaja tetrad’, Sankt-Peterburg, Zlatoust, 2008.
Bogomolov, Petanova Prichodite!.. Priezžajte!.. Priletajte! Sankt-Peterburg, Zlatoust, 2008.
I.P. Abdalyan, S.I. Yushmanova Učimsja čitat’ russkuju klassiku. Moskva, Kladez’-buks, 2001.
Grammatica di consultazione:
C.Cevese, J.Dobrovolskaja, E.Magnanini Grammatica russa. Morfologia: teoria ed esercizi, Hoepli, seconda edizione (2010).
Dizionario bilingue:
Dizionario russo-italiano, italiano-russo di Vladimir Kovalev, Zanichelli, terza edizione (2007).
Altri materiali saranno forniti durante le lezioni.