Between linguistics and anthropology
The course proposes a cultural approach to the teaching of the Foreign Language by linking the communicative competence to interculturality/interdisciplinarity. The reference to linguistic anthropology will provide theoretical models which will promote a reflection on language as “social action” as well as on the differences between languages and cultures in relation to their different socio-linguistic reference systems. The course will also provide students with notions of phonetics, text analysis and translation practice, focusing mainly on advertising texts.
(reference books)
F. de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, Payot 1995 (chapters on: Objet de la linguistique - La langue, sa définition; Place de la langue dans les faits de langage ; Nature du signe linguistique - Signe, signifiant, signifié ; l’arbitraire du signe ; le caractère linéaire du signifiant); R. Jakobson, Linguistique et poétique, in Essais de linguistique générale, Minuit 1963 ; Fónagy, Les bases pulsionnelles de la phonation, in La vive voix, Payot 1983, pp. 107-151 ; J.M. Adam-M. Bonhomme, L’argumentation publicitaire, Armand Colin 2005 (première partie) ; J. M. Adam, « Aspects du récit en anthropologie », in J. M. Adam et al., Le discours anthropologique, Meridiens Klincksiek, 1990, pp.251-282.
The laboratory of translation of advertising texts is optional for students LCMC