The following issues will be take into account during the course:
1) the current debate concerning Italian school and society due to the transformation of the school system from the integration model to the inclusion one. Thus, the Disability Studies (DS) – started from the seventies particularly in the Anglo-American and North European context – are an important interlocutor to operate a critical reflection about the current transformation. The Disability Studies, in effect, plainly criticized the medical and individual model as the only foundation of the conceptualizations about deficit and disability and propose a re-reading of normative and social languages, of institutional practices that provoke exclusion, of barriers to everybody learning and participation. At the same time, supported by different perspectives, they promote the pursuit of emancipation and self-determination of those who daily live the disabled condition.
2) the new tendencies of Special Pedagogy in light of the ongoing social transformations with a focus on the implications that this entails in didactics’ practices;
3) the diversities representations in modern and contemporary society. Trough a close examination of literary, cinematographic, musical and theatrical tales will be launched a reflection on why and how diversities should/could be understood, valorized and conceived as a precious element of originality and not as a perturbing phenomenon.
(reference books)
I semestre MEDEGHINI R., D'ALESSIO S. MARRA A.D., VADALÀ G., VALETLLINA E., Disability Studies. Emancipazione, inclusione scolastica e sociale, cittadinanza, Erickson, Trento, 2013.
MURPHY R. F. Il silenzio del corpo. Antropologia della disabilità, Erickson, Trento, 2016.
GARDOU C., Nessuna vita è minuscola. Per una società inclusiva, Mondadori Education, Milano, 2016.
II semestre A. GOUSSOT (a cura di), Pedagogia della Vita. Célestin Freinet: ieri e oggi, Edizioni del Rosone, Foggia, 2016,
CODELLO F., Né ubbidire, né comandare. Lessico libertario. Elèuthera, Milano, 2016.
BOCCI F., Sequenze che lasciano il segno. La relazione educativa nel cinema (in corso di pubblicazione)