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20706028 German language and translation 3rdyr 1st/2nd language LLE and OCI curricula in Languages and Cultural-Linguistic Mediation L-12 N0 LIPPERT SUSANNE
Language and cultural mediation
Starting from a contrastive point of view, we will compare the German and the Italian language in some specific linguistic structures and we will focus on practical language mediation. In particular we will concentrate on the mediation of all sorts of different texts, both oral and written, including videos, songs, newspaper articles and scientific texts. We will also study some aspects of cultural mediation, mainly stereotypes, how to analyze them scientifically and how to handle them in everyday life. Due to students' particular desire, we will also offer a short look on translation with same practical examples and exercises.
(reference books)
P. Katelhön, M. Nied Curcio, Hand- und Übungsbuch zur Sprachmittlung Italienisch – Deutsch, Berlin, Frank & Timme 2012
P. Kußmaul, Verstehen und Übersetzen, Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. 3., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Tübingen, Narr 2015
S. Bosco Coletsos, M. Costa (a c. di) Italiano e tedesco: un confronto, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso 2006
M. Nied Curcio (a c. di) Ausgewählte Phänomene zur kontrastiven Linguistik Italienisch-Deutsch, Milano, Franco Angeli 2008
J. Theisen, Kontrastive Linguistik