To provide the tools to set up the project of a building structure articulated in an urban complex. Define the quality of outdoor spaces that determines its shape; deepen in detail scale some significant parts, including the links in technology and the architectural consequences of any formal definition.
21002007 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
To provide the tools to set up the project of a building structure articulated in an urban complex. Define the quality of outdoor spaces that determines its shape; deepen in detail scale some significant parts, including the links in technology and the architectural consequences of any formal definition.
21002007-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The aim of the course is to make the student think about the design of a building in its urban and architectural dimension; about the coherence between form, functional program, typology and structure. The course is developed in theoretical lessons and exercises. The final exercise concerns the design of a residential building with attached services, within an empty area of a dense urban fabric. The building will thus have to be conceived as a part of the city, as an element capable of completing the urban landscape and relating to public space. At the same time it will have to answer, in its articulation and internal organization, the necessities of private life, the theme of the housing.
(reference books)
The bibliography will be suggested during the course
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2018 to 30/09/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
The aim of the workshop is to submit to the student the problem of designing a medium-sized building structure, inserted in a real context. This is to make clear the connections that each architectural design establishes with the physical and environmental context surrounding it. In this context, an area of the urban fabric of the city, close to infrastructural road systems and heterogeneous building materials for use, density and physical consistency, will be analyzed and understood spatial, landscape, historical and metaphorical characters. With them the project will have to deal with the ways and choices made by the designers. The design of a building complex houses different functions: temporary and permanent dwellings, commercial spaces and ateliers, whose total built surface amounts to 4000 square meters, for a total cubic volume of about 12,000 cubic meters. The complex has to be designed on an almost flat area in the Gianicolense district in Rome. In the definition of the settlement complex, the designers will have to organize, besides the typological structure of the built, also the areas outside the buildings, defining spaces that can relate the new settlement to the pre-existing urban context. They will have to take into account the detachments provided by the rules of the municipality of Rome. They will also have to design areas that can not be upgraded, thinking of arranging private and public spaces organically resolved, able to relate to the surrounding context. The global scale of intervention will push towards the definition of a relatively dense complex, facilitating space interaction between the various building bodies and a balanced distribution system of strictly residential surfaces.
(reference books)
the idea of dwelling: F. Dal Co, Abitare nel moderno, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 1985. I. Ábalos, Il buon abitare. Pensare le case della modernità, Christian Marinotti, Milano, 2009. F. Irace (a cura di), Storie d’interni. L’architettura dello spazio domestico moderno, Carocci, Roma, 2015. L. Molinari, Le case che siamo, Nottetempo, Milano, 2016
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2018 to 30/09/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
The design class addresses, through theoretical lessons and design exercises, the theme of residence, and the development of new models of living related to the transformation of the social fabric of contemporary cities, that are not more made by traditional families but increasingly more by young couples, old people, students, commuters, or short-term workers. The lifestyles and needs of these emerging players require new settlement, distribution and usage strategies that can potentially give the residence a central role in building the public city. The workshop is therefore intended to provide students with the tools to address the issue of designing complex residential buildings that incorporate differentiated functions, typological themes and technical-constructive issues through the design of a residential building consisting of housing with different units and collective functions in an urban context. - First Phase, exercises for the project: context analysis and typological experiments In the first phase, a knowledge work on the area will be required, which will include, in addition to some site inspections, a phase of drawings of the project area. Along with this specific work on the context will be required a contribution to the project theme by reinterpreting certain typologies of known architectures provided to the students and reinterpreted in relation to the project theme of the course. - Second phase, project: morpho-typological definition of the building In the second phase, it will be necessary to define the main architectural elements of the building (form, typological plants, urban plans) at the appropriate architectural scales. - Third phase, project: synthesis and narration of the project In the third phase, you will be required to define a project presentation strategy (based on the work that will be demanded for the exam) with a careful selection of drawings and how to submit.
(reference books)
Diotallevi I., Marescotti F., Il problema sociale costruttivo ed economico dell'abitazione, Officina Edizioni, Roma 1984 Georg Simmel, Le metropoli e la vita dello spirito, Armando Editore, Roma 1995 Koolhaas R., Delirious New York: un manifesto retroattivo per New York, Electa, Milano 2002 Park S., Le Corbusier redrawn. The houses, Princeton Architectural Press, New York 2012
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2018 to 30/09/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
To deepen, in preparation of the laboratory project, building elements, materials and construction techniques, with particular regard to the inclusion of the building in the environment and urban landscape.
21002007-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The aim of the course is to provide all the appropriate tools for students to manage design relations between materials, building elements, working techniques, requirements and regulations involved since the concept design. All that fully aware of the strong link between typological-stylish features and technologicalarchitectural ones of the building conceived as a whole of interrelated and organized parts, according to a systemic and performance design approach.
(reference books)
AA.VV. [1995]. Manuale di progettazione edilizia, Hoepli, Milano. AA.VV. [Varie]. Grandi Atlanti dell’Architettura, UTET, Milano. Arbizzani, E. [2008]. Tecnologia dei sistemi edilizi. Progetto e costruzione, Maggioli editore, Ravenna. Legnante, E. [1999]. Progettare per costruire, Maggioli editore, Rimini. Marrone, P.; Morabito, G. [2008]. La tecnologia che serve agli architetti. Come si costruisce oggi e (forse si costruirà) domani, Alinea editrice, Firenze. Molinari, C. [2007]. Elementi di cultura tecnica, Sistemi Editoriali, Napoli. Silver, P.; McLean, W. [2008]. Introduction to architectural technology, Laurence King Publishing, London (UK).
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2018 to 30/09/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
The aim of the course is to provide all the appropriate tools for students to manage design relations between materials, building elements, working techniques, requirements and regulations involved since the concept design. All that fully aware of the strong link between typological-stylish features and technologicalarchitectural ones of the building conceived as a whole of interrelated and organized parts, according to a systemic and performance design approach.
(reference books)
AA.VV. [1995]. Manuale di progettazione edilizia, Hoepli, Milano. AA.VV. [Varie]. Grandi Atlanti dell’Architettura, UTET, Milano. Arbizzani, E. [2008]. Tecnologia dei sistemi edilizi. Progetto e costruzione, Maggioli editore, Ravenna. Legnante, E. [1999]. Progettare per costruire, Maggioli editore, Rimini. Marrone, P.; Morabito, G. [2008]. La tecnologia che serve agli architetti. Come si costruisce oggi e (forse si costruirà) domani, Alinea editrice, Firenze. Molinari, C. [2007]. Elementi di cultura tecnica, Sistemi Editoriali, Napoli. Silver, P.; McLean, W. [2008]. Introduction to architectural technology, Laurence King Publishing, London (UK).
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2018 to 30/09/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
The aim of the course is to provide all the appropriate tools for students to manage design relations between materials, building elements, working techniques, requirements and regulations involved since the concept design. All that fully aware of the strong link between typological-stylish features and technologicalarchitectural ones of the building conceived as a whole of interrelated and organized parts, according to a systemic and performance design approach.
(reference books)
AA.VV. [1995]. Manuale di progettazione edilizia, Hoepli, Milano. AA.VV. [Varie]. Grandi Atlanti dell’Architettura, UTET, Milano. Arbizzani, E. [2008]. Tecnologia dei sistemi edilizi. Progetto e costruzione, Maggioli editore, Ravenna. Legnante, E. [1999]. Progettare per costruire, Maggioli editore, Rimini. Marrone, P.; Morabito, G. [2008]. La tecnologia che serve agli architetti. Come si costruisce oggi e (forse si costruirà) domani, Alinea editrice, Firenze. Molinari, C. [2007]. Elementi di cultura tecnica, Sistemi Editoriali, Napoli. Silver, P.; McLean, W. [2008]. Introduction to architectural technology, Laurence King Publishing, London (UK).
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2018 to 30/09/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
To provide the essential elements for the economic evaluation of the project, referring to the different scales addressed in the theme of the workshop.
21002007-3 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
In the general framework of the evaluation topics, the module aims to provide the specific theoretical and methodological tools for the real estate appraisal and the evaluation of environmental, landscape, historical and cultural resources. The main concepts of microeconomics, the basics of estimation theory and the methodological procedures for value judgments are considered basic knowledge for the understanding of the estimating values and the economic variables generated by an architectural and urban project. Criteria, procedures and appraisal's techniques are suited to different stages of the project, solving in each scale specific problems. The module also provides methods and criteria for the appraisal of the use value and the non-use value. Basics of technique and methodology for the assessment of projects, program and plans are provided, in response to specific feasibility profiles, considering the evaluation as an active, logical and methodological tool to support planning and design. Specifically, the module deals with: - Basics of Microeconomic: elements of theory of value, economic goods, markets structures, market pricing, general equilibrium theory, consumer choice, production theory. - Appraisal fundaments: appraisal theory, principles and methods, basics of statistics, basics of mathematical finance, market value, cost value, secondary values, elements of total economic value. Basics of plans, programs and projects evaluation: financial and economic approaches.
(reference books)
About microeconomics Sloman J., "Elementi di economia", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007. Stiglitz J. E., "Economia del settore pubblico", Hoepli, Milano, 2003. About appraisal C. Forte, B. De' Rossi, "Principi di economia ed estimo", Etas Libri, Milano 1979. A. Realfonzo "Teoria e metodo dell’estimo urbano” , Carocci, Roma, 1994. M. Polelli, “Nuovo trattato di estimo”, Maggior, Rimini, 2008. About plans, programs and projects evaluation: Module handouts.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2018 to 30/09/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
Derived from
21002007-3 APPRAISAL in Science-Architecture L-17 CANALE I FINUCCI FABRIZIO
In the general framework of the evaluation topics, the module aims to provide the specific theoretical and methodological tools for the real estate appraisal and the evaluation of environmental, landscape, historical and cultural resources. The main concepts of microeconomics, the basics of estimation theory and the methodological procedures for value judgments are considered basic knowledge for the understanding of the estimating values and the economic variables generated by an architectural and urban project. Criteria, procedures and appraisal's techniques are suited to different stages of the project, solving in each scale specific problems. The module also provides methods and criteria for the appraisal of the use value and the non-use value. Basics of technique and methodology for the assessment of projects, program and plans are provided, in response to specific feasibility profiles, considering the evaluation as an active, logical and methodological tool to support planning and design. Specifically, the module deals with: - Basics of Microeconomic: elements of theory of value, economic goods, markets structures, market pricing, general equilibrium theory, consumer choice, production theory. - Appraisal fundaments: appraisal theory, principles and methods, basics of statistics, basics of mathematical finance, market value, cost value, secondary values, elements of total economic value. Basics of plans, programs and projects evaluation: financial and economic approaches.
(reference books)
About microeconomics Sloman J., "Elementi di economia", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007. Stiglitz J. E., "Economia del settore pubblico", Hoepli, Milano, 2003. About appraisal C. Forte, B. De' Rossi, "Principi di economia ed estimo", Etas Libri, Milano 1979. A. Realfonzo "Teoria e metodo dell’estimo urbano” , Carocci, Roma, 1994. M. Polelli, “Nuovo trattato di estimo”, Maggior, Rimini, 2008. About plans, programs and projects evaluation: Module handouts.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2018 to 30/09/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
Derived from
21002007-3 APPRAISAL in Science-Architecture L-17 CANALE I FINUCCI FABRIZIO
In the general framework of the evaluation topics, the module aims to provide the specific theoretical and methodological tools for the real estate appraisal and the evaluation of environmental, landscape, historical and cultural resources. The main concepts of microeconomics, the basics of estimation theory and the methodological procedures for value judgments are considered basic knowledge for the understanding of the estimating values and the economic variables generated by an architectural and urban project. Criteria, procedures and appraisal's techniques are suited to different stages of the project, solving in each scale specific problems. The module also provides methods and criteria for the appraisal of the use value and the non-use value. Basics of technique and methodology for the assessment of projects, program and plans are provided, in response to specific feasibility profiles, considering the evaluation as an active, logical and methodological tool to support planning and design. Specifically, the module deals with: - Basics of Microeconomic: elements of theory of value, economic goods, markets structures, market pricing, general equilibrium theory, consumer choice, production theory. - Appraisal fundaments: appraisal theory, principles and methods, basics of statistics, basics of mathematical finance, market value, cost value, secondary values, elements of total economic value. Basics of plans, programs and projects evaluation: financial and economic approaches.
(reference books)
About microeconomics Sloman J., "Elementi di economia", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007. Stiglitz J. E., "Economia del settore pubblico", Hoepli, Milano, 2003. About appraisal C. Forte, B. De' Rossi, "Principi di economia ed estimo", Etas Libri, Milano 1979. A. Realfonzo "Teoria e metodo dell’estimo urbano” , Carocci, Roma, 1994. M. Polelli, “Nuovo trattato di estimo”, Maggior, Rimini, 2008. About plans, programs and projects evaluation: Module handouts.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2018 to 30/09/2018 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation