- identify and analyze the basic aspects of teaching that make it special and worthy - understand the importance of dialogue and cooperation among different professional features so as to integrate and include diversity - identify training contexts and experiences that allow to create dialogue and synergy among the various schools and extracurricular operators, such as music therapy - build individualized and personalized plans based on personal pecularity of students, with a strong respect to personal guidance - develop and implement teaching strategies according to the aims of integration and inclusion - test formative evaluation procedures and tools to work out the functions of students with disabilities - learn about the grounds of animation and play theorists - make students accustomed to animation experience and play methodology, also in the process of integration - build educational activities in curricular and extra-curricular settings - contribute to build learning groups of students to share and discuss, in presence and on-line, about knowledge and experiences acquired during the training course.
22901913 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
- identify and analyze the basic aspects of teaching that make it special and worthy - understand the importance of dialogue and cooperation among different professional features so as to integrate and include diversity - identify training contexts and experiences that allow to create dialogue and synergy among the various schools and extracurricular operators, such as music therapy - build individualized and personalized plans based on personal pecularity of students, with a strong respect to personal guidance - develop and implement teaching strategies according to the aims of integration and inclusion - test formative evaluation procedures and tools to work out the functions of students with disabilities - learn about the grounds of animation and play theorists - make students accustomed to animation experience and play methodology, also in the process of integration - build educational activities in curricular and extra-curricular settings - contribute to build learning groups of students to share and discuss, in presence and on-line, about knowledge and experiences acquired during the training course.
22901913-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The course aims to provide basic skills for designing educational and teaching aimed at the development of the integration process and inclusion in school context and outside school. Starting from the analysis of the initial situation of a person with disabilities or other Special Educational Needs (BES) and in line with the aims of integration and school and social inclusion, students will be guided in the acquisition of skills related to the design of specific activities and processes of inclusion. They will be identified: • some educational-methodological strategies most appropriate for the development of individual potential in particular by using the game, animation and music; • teaching methods aimed at promoting the study method in the inclusive perspective.
To this end, the course plans to develop knowledge: • of special education for the integration and promotion of diversity • game, animation and music to design interventions and recreational training for the use of methodologies and tools for the animation of groups and communities in the context of inclusion • the different components of the study method to enhance its inclusive elements • the most effective teaching strategies for promoting the study method for students with specific learning disorder.
Learning Objectives (Dublin Descriptors) • Understand and understand the fundamental aspects of inclusive education, the use of game and music for integrating diversity in school and extracurricular contexts (disability, learning disabilities, socio-cultural disadvantages). • Understand and understand the importance of the study method and teaching methods to promote it with inclusive goals. (Knowledge and understanding skills)
• Apply acquired knowledge to address and resolve school-related issues. • Understand and apply the skills developed in the situation (Applied knowledge and understanding skills)
• Know how to express your point of view on school inclusion on the basis of data, experiences and scientific sources (Autonomy of Judgment)
• Know how to interact, within an integrated system, with various stakeholders (family, teachers, specialists, etc.) to compare and find solutions in the field of school enrollment (Communicative Skills)
• Developing the ability to learn more inclusive modes of play and music. • Develop the ability to learn more ways to promote the study method to an inclusive perspective (Learning Skills)
(reference books)
To take exam of Professor Lucia Chiappetta Cajola, students (attending and non-attending) follow the same program (Part A and Part B)
Part A Books - L. Chiappetta Cajola, Didattica del gioco e integrazione. Progettare con l’ICF, Carocci, Roma, 2012. - L. Chiappetta Cajola, A. L. Rizzo (2016), Musica e inclusione. Teorie e strumenti didattici, Carocci, Roma, 2016. - L. Chiappetta Cajola, L. Traversetti, Il metodo di studio e DSA. Strategie didattiche inclusive, Carocci, Roma, 2017.
Part B) Workshop on line with operational and interactive learning materials The beginning of the Laboratory on line will be announced during the first lessons with relevant information to access the platform. As alternative to online laboratory, studying a text chosen from the following - R. Callois, I giochi e gli uomini. La maschera e la vertigine, Bompiani, Milano, 2012. - D.J. Winnicott, Gioco e realtà, Armando, Roma, 2006. -V. Domenici, Dentro e fuori il margine. La diversità culturale nel cinema francese contemporaneo, Bulzoni Editore, Roma, 2013.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
- identify and analyze the basic aspects of teaching that make it special and worthy - understand the importance of dialogue and cooperation among different professional features so as to integrate and include diversity - identify training contexts and experiences that allow to create dialogue and synergy among the various schools and extracurricular operators, such as music therapy - build individualized and personalized plans based on personal pecularity of students, with a strong respect to personal guidance - develop and implement teaching strategies according to the aims of integration and inclusion - test formative evaluation procedures and tools to work out the functions of students with disabilities - learn about the grounds of animation and play theorists - make students accustomed to animation experience and play methodology, also in the process of integration - build educational activities in curricular and extra-curricular settings - contribute to build learning groups of students to share and discuss, in presence and on-line, about knowledge and experiences acquired during the training course.
22901913-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The course aims to provide basic skills for designing educational and teaching aimed at the development of the integration process and inclusion in school context and outside school. Starting from the analysis of the initial situation of a person with disabilities or other Special Educational Needs (BES) and in line with the aims of integration and school and social inclusion, students will be guided in the acquisition of skills related to the design of specific activities and processes of inclusion. They will be identified: • some educational-methodological strategies most appropriate for the development of individual potential in particular by using the game, animation and music; • teaching methods aimed at promoting the study method in the inclusive perspective.
To this end, the course plans to develop knowledge: • of special education for the integration and promotion of diversity • game, animation and music to design interventions and recreational training for the use of methodologies and tools for the animation of groups and communities in the context of inclusion • the different components of the study method to enhance its inclusive elements • the most effective teaching strategies for promoting the study method for students with specific learning disorder.
Learning Objectives (Dublin Descriptors) • Understand and understand the fundamental aspects of inclusive education, the use of game and music for integrating diversity in school and extracurricular contexts (disability, learning disabilities, socio-cultural disadvantages). • Understand and understand the importance of the study method and teaching methods to promote it with inclusive goals. (Knowledge and understanding skills)
• Apply acquired knowledge to address and resolve school-related issues. • Understand and apply the skills developed in the situation (Applied knowledge and understanding skills)
• Know how to express your point of view on school inclusion on the basis of data, experiences and scientific sources (Autonomy of Judgment)
• Know how to interact, within an integrated system, with various stakeholders (family, teachers, specialists, etc.) to compare and find solutions in the field of school enrollment (Communicative Skills)
• Developing the ability to learn more inclusive modes of play and music. • Develop the ability to learn more ways to promote the study method to an inclusive perspective (Learning Skills)
(reference books)
o take exam of Professor Lucia Chiappetta Cajola, students (attending and non-attending) follow the same program (Part A and Part B)
Part A Books - L. Chiappetta Cajola, Didattica del gioco e integrazione. Progettare con l’ICF, Carocci, Roma, 2012. - L. Chiappetta Cajola, A. L. Rizzo (2016), Musica e inclusione. Teorie e strumenti didattici, Carocci, Roma, 2016. - L. Chiappetta Cajola, L. Traversetti, Il metodo di studio e DSA. Strategie didattiche inclusive, Carocci, Roma, 2017.
Part B) Workshop on line with operational and interactive learning materials The beginning of the Laboratory on line will be announced during the first lessons with relevant information to access the platform. As alternative to online laboratory, studying a text chosen from the following - R. Callois, I giochi e gli uomini. La maschera e la vertigine, Bompiani, Milano, 2012. - D.J. Winnicott, Gioco e realtà, Armando, Roma, 2006. -V. Domenici, Dentro e fuori il margine. La diversità culturale nel cinema francese contemporaneo, Bulzoni Editore, Roma, 2013.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam