Contents: This course deals with the fundamentals of Work Psychology with the aim of providing a basic knowledge of: the main theories that have marked the development of this discipline, with a focus entrepreneurial education and self assessment competences;the methods and tools used in work psychology research. There will be a particular focus on the topic entrepreneurial education and of self assessment to improve his competences. This course will present theoretical contents and fieldwork discussions. Moreover, there will be in-class works and visiting lectures.
(reference books)
TESTI ARGENTERO, CORTESE, PICCARDO, Psicologia del lavoro, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano Cap: cap. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10,13 V. Caggiano, Educazione Imprenditoriale, Aspetti psicologici dell’imprendere, Anicia Roma 2012 Articoli di ricerca: Caggiano, V., Bellezza, A., Belsaguy, I. O., & González-Bernal, J. (2017). Work Values: A Comparative Research between Italian and Spanish Youth. Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal), 1(15), 95-106. http://www.ledonline.it/index.php/ECPS-Journal/article/view/1122
Caggiano, V., Akanazu, H., Furfari, A., & Hageman, A. (2016). Entrepreneurship Education: A Global Evaluation of Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Values (a Transcultural Study). Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal), 1(14), 57-81. http://www.ledonline.it/index.php/ECPS-Journal/article/view/1070
Caggiano, V., Belsaguy, I., (2017). Initial Training of teachers: comparative study of mexican and chines education systems. EDUCAZIONE, 5(1), 91-102. ISSN: 2280-7837
Caggiano, V., Bellezza, A., Piccione.V. (2017). Entrepreneurial university as innovation driver: the Salamanca Summer School case- STUDI SULLA FORMAZIONE, (2), 27-44 ISSN: 2036-6981
Caggiano, V., & Di Maggio, M. (2017). Cultura organizzativa nelle scuole, dall’autonomia verso l’innovazione: un progetto applicato. I PROBLEMI DELLA PEDAGOGIA, (2), 25-41. ISSN: 0032-9347
Caggiano, V. (2016). Assunti e pratiche dell’Educazione Imprenditoriale. Il caso della Summer School# Teaching&Learning way to be happy. EDUCAZIONE, 5(1), 91-102. ISSN: 2280-7837 http://www.giornaledipedagogiacritica.it/index.php/gdpc/article/view/98
Caggiano, V. (2015). Educación emprendedora y el uso de la metáfora: un camino hasta la felicidad. EDUCAZIONE, (4), 107-118. ISSN: 2280-7837, doi: 10.14668 http://www.giornaledipedagogiacritica.it/index.php/gdpc/article/view/80