In relation with the three project phases and according with the Italian public contracts rules, the course analyze: - the analysis of the impact and constraints to select road project alternatives; - the optimization of project choices in environmental point of view; - the determination of alignment design (geometrical plan and vertical alignment) for each road project alternatives; - road transversal sections and general site plan with drainages, ditch, slope, sump, ..etc. - the main and secondary road engineering works; - the technical contract rules, prices list, etc.
(reference books)
A. Benedetto “Strade ferrovie aeroporti” - utet editore; G. Tesoriere "Strade ferrovie e aeroporti", voll. i e ii. - utet editore; C. Benedetto, M.R. De Blasiis “Istruzioni per la redazione dei progetti di strade e degli studi d'impatto ambientale” - Aracne editore; Materiale didattico e dispense a cura del docente.