The frontal lessons will concern the description and analysis of the main theories and models of guidance with a special regard to the training needs of adults; the description and analysis of some tools and methodologies for guidance; the analysis of the main territorial structures for guidance and active labour market policies; the evolution of the professional roles engaged in guidance; the analysis of some significant experiences of educational and vocational guidance in Italy.
(reference books)
DI FABIO A., Manuale di psicologia dell'orientamento e career counseling nel XXI secolo, Firenze, Giunti O.S., 2009 ALESSANDRINI G. (a cura di), Apprendistato, competenze e prospettive di occupabilità, Lecce, Pensa Multimedia, 2014 MARGOTTINI M., Informazione e afferenza alle fonti informative, Roma, Monolite, 2002