The course of General Didactics includes a basic course (6 credits) and a workshop (3 credits) to obtain a total of 9 credits.
Course title: Individualization of teaching and modular teaching in formal contexts
The organization of teaching is a crucial variable to ensure the quality of educational processes in formal and no formal contexts. It’s also an orientation key. The course starts from a reflection on the foundations, the methods of investigation and the aims of the discipline. It intends to analyze some of the most famous models of didactic organization in the formal contexts. In particular it wants to study some models of individualization and personalization of teaching in relation with ICT.
The workshop (3 credits) is a online (on platform of the Department). The activities include the filling of online questionnnaires and the analysis of results. The interpretation and comments on profiles must be reported in a short report that must be delivered on the platform sdeonline.uniroma3.it
(reference books)
Basic texts: - Domenici G., Cajola L., Organizzazione didattica e valutazione, Roma, Monolite,2005 - Margottini M., Formazione e-learning. Teorie e modelli didattici per la scuola, Roma, Monolite editrice, 2008 (free text on platform)
Workshop text: - M. Pellerey - D. Grzadziel - M. Margottini - F. Epifani - E. Ottone, Imparare a dirigere se stessi, Roma, CNOS-FAP, 2013 (free text on platform)