The workshop will consist of lectures accompanied by screenings of movies or multimedia documents, and on discussions with the students. Discussions will start even from issues, articles or essays submitted by students. The proposed themes are: - brief explanation of the main currents of classical ethical thought in relation with contemporary thought; gender issues and women's question; -capabilities, differences evaluation, the "world citizenship", liberal education, law and human rights, equal opportunities, the role of mass media in the creation and transmission of prejudices and stereotypes; - The conception of Ethics as the science of everyday life and presentation of experiences in support of the issues presented. The 17 UN SDG- Sustainable Development Goals and Italian Good School Law (107/2015).
(reference books)
Recommended text: MOSCHINI Laura, Il tafano e il cavallo di razza. Ricette di etica, sostenibilità, democrazia in ottica di genere, in corso di pubblicazione febbraio 2016
One chosen among these: NUSSBAUM Martha, Coltivare l’umanità. I classici, il multiculturalismo, l’educazione contemporanea, Roma, Carocci 1999 BREZZI Francesca, Piccolo manuale di Etica contemporanea, Donzelli, 2012 ALESSANDRINI Giuditta, a cura di, La pedagogia di Martha Nussbaum, approcci alle capacità e sfide educative, Franco Angeli, 2014. HELLER Agnes, Il vento e il vortice. Utopie, distopie, storia e limiti dell'immaginazione , Erickson, 2016